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                                                                                     Aphmau's POV

I'm still wondering about those people. I should go see if they're still around. Garroth is asleep, so I think I can sneak out. I need to know what those people are doing. I quietly close the door behind me. The lime green trees are dark at night. I see a tent. Listening closely, I can hear the same people again.

"Only she can see us in this form, remember?" One of them says. I mean, I can see them! Are they talking about me?

"Yep. Are you sure we should do it tomorrow?" Another questions. What if they see me? Oh dear.

"I think so. Guys?" What do they mean?

"Yep!" One replies.

"Yeah." The final one replies.

"Wait, do you hear something?" Was I not quiet enough? Oh no.

"I didn't." Thank Irene!

"My ears must be playing tricks on me." The first one says. I think I've heard enough. I decide to go to the clearing to stargaze. I look up to see a dark sky speckled with stars. Beautiful. I lay down in the soft, damp grass. I let my eyes shut.

"Aphmau!" I awake to Laurance yelling in my face.

"GAH!" I startle him.

"Why are you out here?" He asks.

"I was just...stargazing. Why are you out here?" I stand up.

"Garroth woke up and you weren't there. I figured that you were here, and you are!" We start to head back to the village. I go back to the house to check on Lillith. Laurance decides to let me go on my own.

"Guuu~!" Little Lillith is so adorable.

"Aww!" I pick her up and hold her in the air. 

"Hehehe~!" She giggles. Garroth walks in through the wooden door. He smiles.

"Hey Garroth! Want to hold Lillith?" I ask.

"S-sure!" He stutters. He's so adorable. WAIT WHAT?!?!?!? Totally didn't say that in my brain....heh...

"Here! Go on Lillith!" I pass Lillith to him. He bounces her on his knee. I then hear footsteps outside.

"Guuuu~!" Babies are awesome! I wonder exactly how old she is.

"She's adorable! Just like-n-nevermind..." He trails off. What was he going to say?

We stand there and play with Lillith for a little while. Later, Isabelle comes to babysit Lillith. I head back outside. I see those people again. I'm going to talk to them.

"H-hello?" I ask.

"Guys, it's true." One says.

"I can still hear and see you." I'm not going to say that I was eavesdropping on them.

"Irene-er- Aphmau, only you can see or hear us in this form." Wait, did he say Irene?

"D-did you just say Irene?" I question.

"Yes. You  are Irene." I don't believe this.

"Prove it." I say sassily. One sighs.

"You're just as you always were. You have the same powers for one." Am I really?

"D-does this mean... That vision I had... with Irene and Hyria.... That was me?" That... could've been me.

"Yes. When she paused when you were at her house, she had a flashback of that. That is why she let you in." He says.

"Wait, how do you know this? Were you watching us?" I ask. I know who he is.

"I assume that you know who we are. After we separated, we lost where you went. Eventually, we found you in Phoenix Drop. we have stayed hidden, but we need you to know who you are." Another says.

"I-I.... need to tell the others." I say.

"If you want. You do know who we are, right?" Another asks.

"Yes. The Divine Warriors. Enki, Shad, Kul'Zak, Menphia, and Esmund. I need to go now." I run off. I-I cant believe it! I'm going to Emmalyn and Kenmur first.

"I'm surprised that you aren't more confused, Irene." Esmund says as I leave. I head off to the temple.

"E-Emmalyn..." I pant. It's a long way there.

"Aphmau! Why are you here!? We haven't found any more facts!" Emmalyn runs to me.

"I found something. Kenmur... you might also want to hear this. I came to you guys first so you can help me tell others." I say. Boy, I'm out of breath. I guess that I cant say 'Oh my Irene' anymore. I should say something like 'Oh my Enki' or something.

"Oh my Irene! What is it!" Emmalyn gets excited.

"Well, it has to do with just that. Irene. Have you ever wanted to meet Irene?" She looks confused.

"OF COURSE!!!! Why are you asking me this?!" Uh oh...

"Well..... You've met her..." I say vaguely.

"WHAT?!?!?!? WHEN?!?!?! HOWDOYOUKNOWTHIS!?!?!?" Emmalyn squeals.

"Emmalyn, sweetheart, calm down." Kenmur says.

"KENMUR!!!! HOW CAN I CALM DOWN!!! I. MET. IRENE!!!!!!!!!" What have I done?

"In fact, she's right here." I make sure to be calm.


"Aphmau... How do you know this?" Kenmur asks.

"Well. Enki and the Divine told me." I seem calm, but on the inside, I am freaking out.

"BUTHOW?!?!?!?!HOWHOWIDONTBELEIVEITYOUCANTBELYINGRIGHT?!?!??!?!?!?HOW?!?!?!?" I have officially broken Emmalyn.

"Yes. I found out about this with visions a few days ago." I cant even believe it myself, Emmalyn.

"EEEEEEEEE! TELL ME EVERYTHING!" We sit down and I tell her everything that I know. Both Emmalyn and Kenmur are intrigued. I'm surprised that Emmalyn hasn't fainted yet. I think I have to tell Garroth.

"Wow, just be warned that we might accidently call you Irene more often." Kenmur warns.

"It's fine. I need to tell the others now." I say.

"EEEEEEEEE!" Welp, Emmalyn's still broken.

"Bye!" I head off.

(A/N Thank you for reading this exciting chapter! I hope you enjoyed! Harlace out!)

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