The Beginning of a Prank War

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                                                                                           Aphmau's POV

They've been chasing me for soooooo long. HOW MUCH ENERGY DO THEY HAVE?!

"AARON HALP!!!" I yell to him. He's in front of me.

"Got to go. Bye!!" He yells back to me quickly. WHY?

"I'M GONNA GET'CHA!" Travis yells.

"NOOOOOOO!" I manage to get out of their view. YAAAS! I hide behind a tree.

"Where did she go?!?!?" Laurance yells. I did it.

"I DONT KNOW!?!?" Katelyn yells. I come out of hiding.

"IT WAS AARON'S IDEA!!!" I yell to them.

"REALLY APHMAU?!" He yells.

"SINCE WHEN DO YOU TALK?" Laurance yells to Aaron.

"THAT'S MY LINE!" Travis yells. Huh.. it is!

"Okay, let's stop the yell fest. Now, yes it WAS Aaron. Aaron is proven guilty! I can prove it!" I say to them.

"WAIT, WHAT?!" Laurance, Travis, and Katelyn say at once.

"I said to stop the yell fest. This is VERY hard for me. HA PHSYCH! BYE!!" I run to my old house without them noticing. HUEHUEHUEHUE. Uh oh.... Levin and Malachi are coming for something. I think this is like their meeting place.

"Hey Malachi?" Levin says to Malachi. They're coming closer.

"Yeah Levin?" Malachi responds. I cant leave.... WAHAHAHhAHA!

"I thought that I heard screams earlier. But they didn't sound bad. They sounded like Katelyn, Travis, Laurence, and Mom. But I saw them afterwards. I think they're fine." Levin replies. WHY U DO DIS?

"I think they're alright as well" Malachi says and they head inside and see me.

"WHY?! Oh my Irene.... I heard you. We're all fine. It's ju- WHY AARON WHY?!" I yell the last part. It's all his fault!

"Wha?" They say in unison.

"I think a prank war is starting..... Please be on my side." I want them to join my side. Time to recruit. *Knowing that you will be starting a prank war, it fills you with determination.

"Still confused." Levin says.

"DO NOT HELP THEM!" I yell. Irene halp me.

"Um.... Sure?" Malachi says a bit confused.

"GOTTA GO! BYE!" I yell and run. I think I'm going crazy. I go to find Aaron. I'm not used to running this much.

"Aphmau? Why are you here?" He asks.

"Prank war......... Begins....... Team....." I say, panting from running.

"Aphmau, breath. Then talk." He says. I guess he's right. I take a breath.

"The prank war is starting. I know it. I can listen in to confirm. Please be on my team. YOU are the one who caused this. YOU got me in on this. PLEASE join my team!" I say. It's basically a demand at this point. I even use puppy eyes.


"Let me listen in on them to see their plans. DONT COME!" I tell him.

"Okay.." He says.

"Bye!" I climb the stairs to the treehouse and hide under the floor ladder thing. (You should know what I'm talking about.) I hear them talking.

"Guys, the prank war has begun. Us against Aphmau. She doesn't know yet." Katelyn says. Little does she know...

"We should dump water on their heads like they did to us! But, let's do it when they're asleep!" Travis says excitedly.

"I cant think of anything better!" Laurance says to them. Yes. Information obtained. I head back to Aaron to tell him.

"Aaron. I have the info. They think that I don't know about the prank war. Their plan is to dump water on our heads while we're asleep. We need to sleep somewhere else. We should hide their stuff. Come on!" I say. Determination fills my soul. Ooh, look at the golden flower! For some reason, a face flashed on it. Probably my imagination.

"Alright! Let's do this!" He replies.

(Thank you for reading this Undertale filled chapter! Tell me if you saw the references. I have nothing to say. Harlace out!)

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