The Divine

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                                                                      Aphmau's POV

As my vision turns white after that dream, I hear some voices that don't sound like anyone I know. I open my eyes to be in another dream. Or maybe its a vision? I cant tell yet. There are five people that are there. I look at myself and realize that I'm wearing what I er.... Irene was wearing in my previous dream, a white dress with a blue shall. These voices are so familiar, but I cant recognize them. Strange. I think I'm in Irene's place again.

"IRENE!" One of them yells to me.

"Enki, calm down." Another one yells. Wait, ENKI?!?! No way! Calm down Aph....

"Fine, Shad." Enki says. SHAD AS WELL?! They're all here! The divine warriors!

"Hey guys!" Irene's body speaks for me. I get it now! I'm Irene in this dream, there's Enki, Esmund, Shad, Menphia, and Kul'Zak!

"Hey Irene!" Menphia says.

"Hi!" Kul'Zak and Esmund say at once. What's happening? My body walks to them uncontrollably. Then my vision goes black. Does that mean the end of my visions?

(A/N Sorry for the extremely short chapter. It's 2:05 AM right now and I should be asleep. I need to sleep now. I hope that you enjoyed this short chapter! Harlace out!)

Journey of the Divine (Minecraft Diaries  thing) [COMPLETE]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora