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(Before this starts, this story place in season two of mcd. By that I mean exactly what I said.
Enjoy this chapter!)

                                                                                          Aphmau's POV

I head to the treehouse and fall asleep in my bed.

I wake up and say hi to everyone. Laurence isn't there though. They all seem so calm. It feels nice to have a calm moment.

I walk around, looking at the beautiful trees.

I see Levin and Malachi. They look up and smile.

"Hey mom!" says Levin. 

"Hi!" says Malachi.

"How are you two doing today?" I ask them.

"Good, thanks!" they say at the same time. They then start laughing. I love those two.

"That's great!" I say to them, laughing.

I chat for a bit with them.

I then go to the Irene statue and look out at the water.

I wonder what my life was like before this...Before someone led me here. It doesn't make sense.

I feel a tap on my shoulder. I jump slightly. "It's just me." I turn around and see Katelyn.

"Is everything alright?" she asks me.

 "I-I'm fine..." I reply.

 Katelyn leaves. I head off and look around at Pheonix Drop again. Afterwards I head back to the Irene statue and wonder. Logan comes up to me.

"Aphmau! Are you okay?" he asks me.

"Y-yes." I reply, still wondering about my past.

"Oh! I have a letter for you from Laurence. I wonder why."

Thanks! You're being awfully nice today. That is not a bad thing."I reply.

"Hahahah! I guess so. Bye!" he heads back to do his job.

Oh.. Laurence sent me something? Maybe it's because of yesterday..

I open it up and look inside. It says:

"Hello Aphmau,

I'm sorry about yesterday, I didn't mean to say that.

I sent this to you because I didn't know if you wanted to talk to me after that.

I'm so sorry about that. Please forgive me. I understand if you don't though.



I head to the treehouse to find Laurence, and there he is.

"Hey Laurence! I got your letter. Thanks for that but I know you didn't mean it" I tell him.

"How has your day been?" he asks me.

"Same as normal. and you?"

We chat for a while and then I decide to head home and go to bed.

(Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Again, Please tell me any suggestions in the comments. Also I have no schedule and I upload randomly. Should I have other character's POV's? Please let me know. Anyways, Harlace out!)

Journey of the Divine (Minecraft Diaries  thing) [COMPLETE]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt