Knocked Out

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I wake up normally and go do my daily routine. I go say hi to the people in the treehouse.

I climb down the ladder and feel a hand on my shoulder. And I instinctively knock that person out. All I did was knock them with my elbow super hard. I look down and see.....Laurence. Oh my Irene, why did I do that?

I start laughing and start to carry him back to the treehouse.

"Why are you carrying Laurence? WHY IS HE UNCONCIOUS?" Aaron says, concerned.

"Well.....When I when I walked outside, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I....I accidently knocked him out because I though he was an enemy or something, and well....yeah. It only took one shot with my elbow to knock him out!"" I reply, trying to hold back laughter.

"Welp, Where are you going to put him?" Aaron says, also laughing.

"His bed."

"I figured. Need help?" he asks me.

"Nope! Thanks anyway though!" I reply

I head down and set him on the guest bed. I have dinner while I wait.

"Um...Where am I?" I hear Laurence say.

"Looks like he finally woke up!" Katelyn says. I explained what happened to him previously.

I head to his bed and see him.

"Hahaha! Hey there!" I say to him, laughing.

"Am I back in my bed?

"Yep, let me guess, you want to know why you're here and why your head hurts, don't you?" I reply.

"Yes... I do."

"Well.....When I felt your hand, I knocked you out, thinking you were an enemy or something like that. It only took one shot with my elbow and you were knocked out. I then carried you down here and...yeah!" I tell him.

"Hahahahah! Why did I not expect you to do that." he says.

"Well, it's done now! Hahaha!" I say to him.

"Wait, how long was I knocked out?" he asks.

"Umm.....about half a day. When I turned around and saw that it was you that I knocked out, I started laughing SO much!" I reply.

"Alright, let me go get some dinner" Laurence says.

"Okay! Try NOT to sneak up on me this time!" I tell him, laughing.

"Hahahaha! Alright, I'll try."

"Need anything before you go?" I ask.

"No, thanks though!"

He leaves to go get food. I sit on my bed and look out the branches of the tree. I think about myself and my powers. Did the amulet give me these powers? If so, why did I absorb it? And why don't I remember anything? It's so strange. I go to sleep.

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