Chapter 13: The Final Hall

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The Youtuber Gamers found themselves at the same place again....."Only one more Virus to go....." Said Cry looking at the red Hall the only one not blocked "And since we defeated all of those 3.....that means....the last one's you Felix...." Said Mark "yeah...and we only have one more hour..." said Jack looking at the clock "then lets do this!" Said Pewds bravely as the 4 stepped into the Red Hall walking to the last Virus...Soon the 4 found themselves at a metal sliding door...Mark put his hand on Pewds Shoulder "What if we can't get you back in time?" He Asked "I don't want you to die Felix!!!" Said Cry almost in tears under his mask "I don't know what i'd do if we lost you felix...." said Jack "I believe you 3 will win and bring me back, so don't worry about it...Brofist?" Said Pewds as the 3 were near tears at they all brofist pewds "so lets do this...." Said Pewds as he slid the door wide open and right when he did that a huge red brofist went through Pewds making him fade away in pixels......"Pewds!!!!" Said Jack "Shit!!" Said Mark "Feeelix!!" Said Cry as the 3 ran into the huge boss battle room the timer in the corner of it and the 4th and final Virus in the middle smirking evilly at the now pissed Youtubers...........................

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