Chapter 6: The 4 Viruses!?

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"Are you serious?!" Said jack irritated "All i wanted to do is play Digiverse! What The Fuck?!" Said Pewds also irritated "Guys! Listen! You heard what the bitch said....we have to destroy those "Virus things" to get out of hard could it be?!" Said Mark "what exactly did she mean when she said The Worst Of Ourselves Will Be Unleashed?!" Asked Cry confused "Are we gonna go insane or something?!" Said Jack "We'll figure it out eventually, but where do we go?!" Asked Pewds looking down each hallway "mmm....i say the blue/teal one....looks the least intimidating...lets go that way..." Said Mark as everyone agreed and started taking a few cautious steps through the blue circuit hallway "do you guys think one of the viruses might be around here?!" Asked Cry "Don't worry about it Cry, We're safe and thats all that- Pewds was interrupted by crashing into a screen that appeared in front of them......"Whats this?!" Said Jack as the 4 took notice into the screen all were staring in horror " Is that us?!" Said Cry "Are WE the viruses?!" Said Mark "wait...thats not exactly us....those 4 look like evil versions of us!" Said Pewds "So...This is what it ment when it said The Worst Of Ourselves will be unleashed? Okayyyy...our evil selves are lurking around here?!" Said Jack
"What it sounds like...and we have to beat them!" Said Mark bravely "Us against our evil selves?! Bring it!" Said Pewds "Sssweet!" Said Cry "Lets Go And Try To Booper Dooper Our Way Out Of Here!!!!" Said Jack dashing down the hall the 3 chasing after him "Why do you always have to run Jack!?" Shouted Mark "Didnt we do this at the airport?!" Asked Cry to himself "What The Fuck?!" Chuckled Pewds......

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