Chapter 4: Starting Up!

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The next day Pewds,Mark,Jack, and Cry were getting ready to collab for the game Digiverse all 4 put their headphones on and hit record. (Pewds won the coin toss so he got to be the one to record it) "How's it goin bros? My Name Is Pewwwwdiepie! And Welcome toooo, the amazing game that just came out, Digiverse! Joining me, is as you all know, Markiplier,Jacksepticeye, and Cryaotic! Yes, i know fabulous! Say hi guys!" Said Pewds "hello, everybody!" Chuckled Mark "HI!!!!!!" Said Jack "Sup! People!" Said Cry "yep, They are the best!" Chuckled Pewds "ok, so lets get started!" Said Pewds as the 4 clicked to the "start game" point "aww, even this part looks sweet!" Said Jack they all clicked "start game" everyone was then at a "choose your character" section part their was 4 avatars one was blue in a circuit patterned jumpsuit there was 3 other ones but they were red,green, and white. "I call red!" Said Mark "Blue, obviously.." said Pewds "irish needs Green" said Jack "So i guess i'm the white" said Cry......they were all then brought to a level selector all were locked except for, of course....level 1 "ohhh a level type of game..." Said Mark "Lets check it out..." said Pewds as they all clicked on level 1. All of their avatars (this game is 3D not 2D) were in a neon circuit hallway "awwww...sweet!" Said Jack "so...we walk through this hallway..." Said Cry "no where else to go....lets go!" Said Mark as his avatar ran down the hall the other 3 running after him as they all disappeared into the darkness. their screens were coming into focus they were super glitchy " this part of the game?!" Asked Pewds confused "i dont think so..." said Jack suddenly it started to become loud and ear piercing! And their computers were shaking violently and glitching out "What the Fuck?!" Practically everyone screamed jumping out of their chairs backing up "Whats wrong with it!?" Said Cry freaked out "I've never played a game that would do this!!!!" Said Pewds "Guys! It's getting worse!" Said Jack louder than usual "Everybody RUN!" Shouted Mark....but it was to late....what happened to them?!

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