Chapter 11: Into The Dark...

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The 4 Youtube Gamers once again were at the starting point both blue and green paths were locked "woo!!! Two more Viruses to go and we're home free!!" Said Jack "Sweet! Marzia's probably wondering where i am!" Said Pewds "So close!" Said Mark....Suddenly The same monotoned womans voice came back..."Their is a upgrade to this game...youtubers.....your on a timer......2 hrs or your stuck in this Nightmare FOREVER!!" It said as a digital timer appeared behind them showing that they did in fact have 2 hours! "We can do this guys! But which one should we choose?!" Said Cry "Let's do the hallway full of darkness...just to get it out of the way...." said Pewds "If you say so...its frickin sign of damn light...." Said Jack "Well...we're on a time limit lets do this!!!" Said Mark as the 4 Gamers cautiously went into the dark hallway trying to stay together "i can't seeeeeeee!!!" Said Pewds "The LEAST they can do is put a light in here!" Said Jack "how do we know where we're going?!" Said Mark "What...the..Hell?!" Said Cry as they all continued cautiously walking... but the silence was soon broken.."ahhhh! FUCK!" Said Mark as everyone panicked "Mark?!" Said Pewds "Are You Ok?!" Said Jack "What's Going On!?" Said Cry "Who The Hell Tripped Me?!" Asked Mark getting up "not me.." All 3 said "If it was'nt you guys....then who was it?!" Said Mark as everyone began to nervously look around "I sense...fear....." Some one said menacingly........

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