"Is it sex you want?" Sarah whispered "Is your husband not satisfying enough?"

Leanne was panicking right now. She could see that Sarah's eyes were unfocused and sweat bedded her forehead and neck. Tears were now pouring down Sarah's eyes and her lips were quivering.

"Sarah calm down please" Leanne stuttered. Sarah's hands were getting tighter by the second "I mean you no harm"

A hard knock on the door made Sarah flinch. Her hand loosed enough for Leanne to be able to breathe a little.

"What's going on?" Dean screamed from the other side of the door. They had all heard the commotion and a cry from Sunny, who understood what was happening, had Dean worried.

"What's it going to be lady?" Sarah whispered dangerously. She chuckled darkly to an unspoken joke. "You want him to watch?"

Leanne, who was now frightened managed to free her hand with struggle and slapped Sarah's cheek as hard as she could. Shock ran through the teenager's face but it was enough time for Leanne to push Sarah away from her and move away from the door which was slammed opened by Dean. He took a look at the situation and dragged Leanne behind him but never took his eyes from Sarah who hadn't moved from her spot.

"It's fine Dean. I'm fine" Leanne told him as she took a shaky breath. She placed her hand on his arm. "Please give us a minute" 

Dean looked at her as if she was crazy but she pleaded again and he walked out defeated leaving both ladies alone again although this time, the door stayed opened.

Leanne had a hand to her mouth as to hold a cry. She had no idea how to assist this situation. She looked at the poor girl with pity and as soon as she stepped forward again, Sarah flinched. The younger girl wrapped her arms around herself and sped to the bed. She kneeled until her belly was almost touching the ground and rolled underneath.

Leanne sighed and sat down beside the bed so she cloud look underneath and watch Sarah's back. She watched as Sarah was lying down in a fatal position.

"Tell me about it" Leanne asked quietly, hoping she would be able to help her. Sarah was quiet for a couple of minutes before finally having the courage to speak.

"It was two- three years ago" Sarah started. "Sunny and I were placed in this home where a man and his son lived. They were drug addicts but the system didn't seemed to care. They literally just dropped us there and left until they could find another place for us. He was the only guy that agreed to take both of us in but demanded more income which was accepted. One day I got into a fight with his son because he tried to hit on me and broke his arm. They put the blame on me and shipped me to Juvie for two months but I got an extra month for misbehaving. By the time I came back, Sunny was afraid of her own shadow. She was bruised all over, her face was swollen to the point where she couldn't see through an eye. He never hit us before I left because he was afraid of me and he didn't like that. I had hurt his pride"

2 and half years ago

Sarah closed the car door seconds before the cop car left in a hurry. Sarah's social worker was working on another case and wasn't able to come with her but she was glad; he was good for nothing. When she entered the house, it was unusually silent. Gordon, the owner of the house didn't look as if he was home so Sarah looked around to see any changes. His son, Frank, was dosing in the bathroom while taking a bath. Sarah rolled her eyes and continued her search for her sister.

"Sunny?" Sarah said aloud but received no answer. She arrived to her so called room only to see it locked with a metal padlock. Fear struck her and Sarah immediately took her multi-tool out of her pocket. Within seconds the lock was opened and Sarah gently opened the door, afraid of what she might find. She found Sunny in a corner of the room with her head between her knees and her arms  wrapped over her head. She was rocking back and forth and refused to answer Sarah' calling.

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