Humm, T.V.'s?

303 10 11

*Zandi's pov*

Everything is in place, I just need the girl....


*Amy's P.O.V*

I changed into a stiff scratchy doll's sweatshirt and baggy pants. Sadly, I am a little shorter than a barbie so they're both long on me, so I rolled up the legs and the cuffs of my clothes.

One Direction has a concert tomorrow night so they were going to practice today to practice for whatever they were doing, I on the other hand was left 'home', even after what happened last time I was left alone.

"Are you sure you don't need anything else?" Niall asked.

I shook my head, "nope, I think I'm all set," I said glancing around at the various items around me. I had my folded 'bed', the t.v. remote, a couple of chips, and a water-filled cap, to keep me company while the guys were at the rehearsal .

"See you in a while." They all repeated, going out the door. Louis giving me one last look before the door slammed shut, echoing throughout the rooms. The silence was strange to my sensitive ears after hearing constant sound from the gigantic people around me. It was actually so pleasant that I hesitated to turn on the TV, at least until boredom won me over.

I stood up and stomped on the on button with my good foot. An explosion of sound and color exited from the TV, causing me to jam my hand into the rubbery volume button until the sound was much more to my liking.

'Who would ever have the volume up that loud'? I puzzled over it while I flipped through the channels.

As I came to a particularly annoying little kids channel, someone knocked on the door and almost shouted "ROOM SERVICE"!

"Darnit! I said in alarm, i wasn't prepared for another person comming! I scrambled, jumping, and sprang off the table landing on the sofa in an awkward position. Rolling over my bad ankle, I yelped and limped my way over to the edge of the sofa.

The door creaked open.

I looked down the impossible distance. How do they climb that in the movies?!

"Hello?" The maid peaks her head in the door.

I start climbing. The material was smooth and difficult to climb, but a good kick gave the best foot hold.
I tried not to use my bad foot, but slipped a little when pressure was applied. I grabbed frantically for a notch and found a small crevice in the material.

Hanging by one hand, I looked down at the floor. It was about five of my feet down.

Ba BOOM! The cleaning cart was pushed into the room by the maid, one wheel squeaked as it was rolled in.

I decided to 'let it go' and hide under the sofa. It was dark, and musty, and there was dust everywhere. I took that as a good thing tho, that meant that they didn't clean under here, or so i was hope-ing.

I sat still as the girl started her cleaning rutine. She emptied the trash and replaced the empty buckets with bags. The wind from the bags whiped open dusted me with a light coat of dust. She wipped down the counters with a washrag and proceded to the bathrooms to replentish the suplies there.

"AChoo!" I silently cursed at my blunder.

That woman must have had super hearing or something, because she stuck her head out of the bathroom looking franticly at the door. I also turned my head to the door. Aparently she hadn't heard me, but she heard the guys running as fast as they could back to the room...

Dun dun dun dun. .dun.

Just got back from long trip(s) / camp(s)
Hope ye all like this update..

Your tired author

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