Amy Schumer Slams Glamour Magazine For Calling Her "Plus Size"

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I read about Amy Schumer and Glamour Magazine this morning and was really pissed.  I used to write for Glamour.  They should apologize to Amy and make sure they promote healthy body image for the sake of all women.

Please vote and comment.  xoxo Mara


Uccchhhh, I've written for Glamour Magazine proudly but right now I am beyond disappointed with them. Glamour Magazine featured Amy Schumer in their special "plus size" bonus issue in collaboration with Lane Bryant.

First of all, legally, you cannot use someone's name or likeness without their consent (sorry, been working at an entertainment law firm too long). And secondly, who are you to say who is "plus size" or not. Amy is a size 8! Who made Glamour Magazine the arbiter of how women are supposed to look?!!

What Glamour Magazine is saying, is that all women need to be a size 0-6 in order to be considered a normal weight. Anyone over a size 6 is fat and considered "plus size." Way to feed into the anorexia and bulimia epidemic!

Amy said it best. "Young girls seeing my body type thinking that is plus size? What are your thoughts? Mine are not cool glamour not glamourous."

She is right. What are we saying by calling women whose weight represents most of the country, "plus size?" We're telling all those young girls out there that their normal healthy bodies are bad and they should starve themselves to look like the emaciated models that usually grace the covers of Glamour Magazine.

I love Glamour's response to their faux pas, "First off, we love Amy, and our readers do too – which is why we featured her on the cover of Glamour last year. The cover line on this special edition – which is aimed at women size 12 and up – simply says "Women Who Inspire Us," since we believe her passionate and vocal message of body positivity IS inspiring, as is the message of the many other women, of all sizes, featured. The edition did not describe her as plus-size. We are sorry if we offended her in any way."

The edition very much described her as "plus size" to say they didn't is a lie. I would be offended too! The "plus size" label as well as any label associated with body image needs to be gotten rid of. Obviously, being considered "plus size" is not a compliment. It's Glamour and society's way of calling you fat! Why don't you just admit, Glamour Magazine, that you're wrong?!

And why are women who are over a size 12, inspiring? Because they somehow leave the house looking like they do? Because they don't wear moo moos and sequester themselves on deserted islands because of how much they weigh?! What are they saying?!

Amy Schumer is vocal about her body image because she gets slammed left and right for the way she looks. That is what the media does to women who don't look the way they "should."

Amy not only gets slammed for her body image she also gets slammed for her comedy, specifically for being too sexual. When are we going to stop holding women up to these insane standards that men are not held to? When is the media and society going to stop using the term "plus size" and start treating women with the respect we so badly deserve.

I will leave you with this Naomi Wolf quote - "A cultural fixation on female thinness is not an obsession about female beauty but an obsession about female obedience."

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