30 of the Hardest Things That Must Be Done to Achieve Success

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I've been at this Hollywood game a long time

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I've been at this Hollywood game a long time. I got side tracked 10 1/2 years ago when getting clean and sober trumped everything else in my life. I had to make sure my own house was in order before I went out into the world. Then the whole Jenny Craig lawsuit thing happened in 2012/13 and that spun me in a different direction and inspired this blog. I've been pursuing a lot of different things lately and have been praying for guidance from my higher power for focus on a maybe just two directions.

Either way, I've been at the writing/stand up game for some time and had some success before I crashed and burned with my drug addiction and I've been trying to get a career back ever since. I'm hoping that of the few irons that I have in the fire now will ignite something.

In Greg Dybec's post for Elite Daily along with Brene Brown's, "Daring Greatly" book. I learned that you're going to fall along the way...a lot! The key is to pick yourself back up and continue on. Get back into the colosseum and be a gladiator.

My favorite on this success list is number 8 – "Maintain self-worth even when nobody else sees your value." It's true. You're going to face a lot rejection on the way to success, don't let it erode your self worth.

From Greg Dybec for Elite Daily:

Success is defined differently for everyone; however, facing difficulties on the road to success is a common denominator for anyone pursuing his or her passions.

What separates those who see their dreams through and those who don't is the ability to do what others will not. Everyone can dream of eventual success, but accomplishing one's goals requires taking on the difficult tasks and functions for which many people do not have the courage or stamina.

Winston Churchill said, "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts."

Taking on the hard tasks time and time again is what defines a person's character and generates the most rewarding results. Success is not a tangible product. It is a lifestyle and a mindset. And those who have found their version of success did not avoid the most difficult steps.

Here are the 30 hardest things you need to do to be successful:

1. End friendships if they are not beneficial to your overall goals.

2. Prove the doubters right by making mistakes, before proving them wrong in the long run.

3. Realize if you are unable to maintain a romantic relationship.

4. Avoid the "fake it 'til you make it" belief and focus only on making it.

5. Allow the idea of "the greater the risk, the greater the reward" to lead your actions.

6. Fail with your head held high.

7. Wake up earlier than others.

8. Maintain self-worth even when nobody else sees your value.

9. Talk about ideas, not people.

10. Put in more than you get in return at first.

11. Stick to a strict schedule, even if it makes less time for excessive fun and relaxation.

12. Over-deliver, don't over-promise.

13. Respect the competition.

14. Support the success of others, rather than hoping they fail.

15. Understand that the first version of your idea may not be the best.

16. Sacrifice your social life and weekends.

17. Admit you need help and ask others for guidance.

18.Turn the complex into simple, so people can best share your vision.

19. Be accountable for all failures without blaming others.

20. Accept insecurity and fear as unavoidable emotions.

21. Don't actively seek credit for success.

22. Track finances to the penny.

23. Celebrate the small victories even if the end goal is far away.

24. Don't spread yourself too thin.

25. Embrace change and adapt accordingly.

26. Place money at the end of your priority list.

27. Don't overthink and learn to trust your gut feeling.

28. Do what others would say is an impossible task, without making excuses or feeling like a victim.

29. Get up after getting knocked down, stronger and more prepared than before.

30. Smile at the people who doubt your abilities.

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