"We're going home." He said, panting lightly. I seemed as if I was gasping for air, probably cause I was trying harder to get away. He climbed off of me but quickly grabbed my arm, yanking me to my feet. I went to run off again, but he caught me and flung me over his shoulder.

"Harry stop!" I screamed, my fists hitting his back repeatedly. I tried kicking my legs, but his grip was tight around them. "Put me down!" I became out of breath from all the struggling and screaming. It didnt even phase him, he just causally kept on walking. I gave up by the time we got back to the building to our flat.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!?" He screamed throwing me onto the couch. I sat up and looked at him. This was not like Harry.. I've done stupid stuff before, but I have never seen him this angry at me. "Listen here, you listen to what I say!" I was to scared to say anything. If I say anything, will he hit me? "I can't believe you and your stupid shit! God damn, I told you no!" He just continued to scream at me.

"I.. I.. Uhh...." I kept on stuttering. His fists were clenched tightly, the muscle in his arms popping. His face was blood red from all the screaming he's done, and his eyes dark.

"You're MINE. Only mine! You hear that? Fucking Mike won't have you, fucking Dan won't have you.. NO ONE KATE!" I sunk lower into my seat. Who is he? Where's Harry? This is not him.

"P-please stop.." I begged. I was absolutely terrified at this point. He's never even been like this before. He stopped yelling and his fists un clenched. He took in deep breaths, not taking his eye contact off of me. I couldn't even look at him right now.

"You know what? Fuck it. Go hangout with little Mike. I could give two shits." He said between gritted teeth, storming off to the bedroom. He slammed the door behind him and I let out the large breath I was holding the whole time he was yelling. My body was shaking, my breathing was uneasy, and my heart racing.

In all of my time of being with him.. I have NEVER seen him like that except for when he's hurting someone else.. But he was full blast screaming at me, and I swore I was going to get hit.

Moments past by and I just sat there, trying to let everything just sink in.. Is he calmed yet? Is he just going to punch me if I walk into the bedroom? Can I talk to him? I sighed and slipped off my shoes along with my jacket.. I guess I'm not going with Mike tonight. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and opened it, sending a text to Mike.

To: Mikeeee

Hey Mike.. Sorry but I'm not going to be able to make it tonight. Something popped up. Hopefully we can make plans soon... Sorry :( x

I closed out my phone and set it on the table. I stood up and took in a deep breath, realizing once I go back there, our fighting may not be done.

I slowly walked down the hallway, my heart pounding faster and faster. I hate fighting with him, but Im scared to see what he'll do. What happens will happen.

Before I knew it, I found myself slowly grabbing the door handle and twisting it quietly, opening the door. Harry sat on the bed with his back turned to me. He wore a white t-shirt and his red boxers. He was hunched over, almost as if his head was propped up with his hands.

"Harry.." I whispered walking closer to him. He didnt even turn to look at me.

"Leave me alone." He said quietly. My heart stopped.. Did me wanting to hangout with my best friend piss him off that much?

"Harry please.." I sounded like I was begging. I stepped closer and was about to sit down, but realized I shouldn't.

"I said leave me alone." He grumbled. He still kept his back to me, not even looking. I placed my hand on his shoulder and he quickly turned to look at me. I flinched away, thinking he was going to hit me. "Don't be scared." He turned back around, and once again, I was left to look at his back.

"I'm ready for bed." I lied. But usually whenever we argue, it's better for us to just sleep it off cause then we wake up forgiving each other.

"Okay." He said standing up and walking past me. He grabbed a pillow and began to walk out of the bedroom. Wait, he wasn't going to sleep in here with me?

"Babe.." I almost pouted. He turned to me before he walked out of the bedroom. He looked mad, but hurt. Why was he hurt? "I'll sleep in the living room." I sighed. If I ask him why he doesn't want to sleep in here, I feel it'll just cause I bigger fight.

"No." He stated.

"Either I sleep in the living room, or I leave." I put my hands on my hips. He groaned and walked back to the bed, placing his pillow down and plopping onto the mattress. He turned to his side, not facing me. "Well.. Goodnight." He didnt say anything as I walked over to one of the dressers. I pulled out a pair of grey sweatpants and a green baggy t-shirt. I walked out of the bedroom and shut the door.

I bit my bottom lip to hold back my tears. He doesn't want to look at me.. Or be in the same room as me.. Does he hate me for wanting to be with my friend? Nothing would happen between Mike and I. I've known Mike for years.. Why can't Harry just understand that?

I sighed and walked into the bathroom and changed, leaving the ones I wore previously in a basket in the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and walked out, grabbing a blanket from the closet and walking over to the couch. I grabbed a couch pillow and walked over to the living room lamp, turning it off. The only light that could be seen is the small one thats always on in the kitchen. I laid there and basically looked in complete darkness. What did I do wrong? I won't have a man control me, but Harry has no right to be this pissed off.

It's just.. He just got back two weeks ago.. And Christmas is a little less than two weeks away.. If he would've never left for tour, I would be mad at him.. But I'm not. I missed him to much to be mad.

I laid there for about a hour longer just wide awake. I can't take this, I need to sleep in there with him. I stood up and walked down the hallway and grabbed the door handle. When I opened the door, all that was on was a night light Harry left on. Probably for if he needed to get up during the middle of the night to scream at me.

I looked at him.. He was covered by the duvet, but faced to be looking at my side of the bed. I knew he wasn't sleeping, as Harry does snore when he sleeps.

I shut the bedroom door and walked over to my side of the bed. His eyes were closed, but once again, he wasn't asleep.

"Harry.." I whispered.

"Hmm?" He didnt even open his eyes. Is he really that mad to not even look at me at all?

"Can I sleep in here?" My voice was small and quiet. He then opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Sure.." He mumbled. I smiled lightly and climbed in bed. He covered me with the duvet and I rolled on my side to be facing him. He looked at me, but closed his eyes. It was hard to see cause of the minimum lighting, but I could see just enough.

"I'm sorry.." I said. He opened his eyes and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He kissed my forehead and snuggled closer to me, his warm shirtless body pressing into mine.

"Don't apologize.. I shouldn't have acted like that. And Im sorry." He said quietly. I smiled and brushed my thumb against his cheek.

"Are we okay?" I asked.

"I love you." He answered. Well, I guess so. I let him win this time.

"I love you too."


*Vote and comment? Barely anyone commented last chapter :c*

SORRY SORRY, it took me forever to update.. I know. But today was the first day back at school, so I was running around like crazy trying to prepare and now I'm back in.


Lol no.

Anyways, I will try to update more, and I'll probably have more 'me' time.. After this story is over, I will be writing a Niall one called "Nerd."

Thanks for reading guys.

Thanks for over 100K reads too !

Next update will be soon, love you!

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