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After going to bed, Kellin consoling me, I wake up. I roll over in my bed, stetching and yawning. I stand up, catching my balance.

I walk to the door, still in pajamas. Opening it, I head downstairs. I don't see Kellin anywhere. I look around for him, until I see a note on the coffee table.

Chassity, I went to help my friend again. But like I said yesterday, please come talk to me if you need to! I'll be back at around 3. There's food in the fridge and you can watch TV or whatever. If you need something, just call!
Love, Kellin.

I smile at it, and set it back down. I decide to walk upstairs to get dressed. I get out of pajamas, putting on some plaid jeggings, and a band sweater. Then, I walk downstairs. I open the door, deciding to go on a walk. This better be a decent walk, seeing as every time I leave the house, shit happens.

I walk pretty far, enjoying the nice weather outside. I realize I've gotten into an area I don't know. So, I turn around the way I came. On the way back, I see a car slow down beside me to a stop. They start rolling down their window, as I realize it's Kellin's car. I see him sitting there.

But it's not 3 yet...?

He motions for me to get in. I willingly open the door, climbing in.

"What were you doing?" He rolls the window up.

"Taking a walk. Why?" He starts driving back home.

"I tried calling you..." He sighs.

"Oh.. You did?" I reach into into my pocket for my phone, before I remember, I forgot it at home. "Oh... Shit. It's on my bed..."

"I thought so. But if something happened you wouldn't hav-" I already knew the rest of his sentence.

"Kellin. I'll be fine. Stop worrying so much. You act like I'm five." I get slightly bothered at how little he seems to trust me.

"You aren't. But still, what if you got hurt? You'd have no way to contact me, or anyone." He says calmly.

"Jeez! I'm fine... I can't do anything with you just trusting me to be safe." I immediately regret saying that. I know he's just trying to care.

"Well I'm sorry! What if I needed you?" I sigh.

"Kellin. Seriously. I'm old enough to be careful. Besides it's not even three yet. What are you doing?" He stays quiet a moment.

"Nothing. But you need to let me know if you leave." He sighs again.

"God... Why do you have to know what I'm doing all the time?? I know you're just trying to care and be sure I'm safe but if I need something or wanted to talk, I could find a way." I look out tahe window.

"That's all. Nevermind..." After that, it was silent until we got home.

When we got to the door, Kellin stopped me from opening it right away. "Wait."

"What?" I step back. He stands in front of me, barely opening the door, peeking in.

Smiling, he turns to me. "Okay. Follow me in."

Confused, I just nod. He fully opens the door. It's pitch black, somehow.

He turns a light on, to reveal the house decorated. Balloons, and ribbons. "What's this for?" I look a bit confused.

He stares at me for a second as if he was astounded at what I just said. "Your birthday is tomorrow.... Right?"

"Yeah! I forgot. I didn't realize it!" I smile, and walk inside, when I see Tyler jump from behind the couch towards us.

"Happy early birthday!" He smiles.

"T-Thank you!" I return the smile, and walk in between them.

"There's more people coming." Kellin says, messing with my hair.

"Really? I don't know anyone else." I got confused. Jasmine wouldn't want to come. My cousin can't come.

"Don't worry. You'll be happy, trust me." I already knew I will be.

"Thank you so much!" I hug them both.

"Go to your room." Kellin says, laughing. "Because it's a surprise!"

Nodding, I walk upstairs and sit down on my bed.

I grab my phone. Turning it on, I see where Kellin was right. Two missed calls from him.

Though he should trust me, I still feel bad for leaving my phone. I can't say I wouldn't be worried if Kellin hadn't answered my calls.

Then, I hear the doorbell. Out of habit, I went to open it. Right before opening my door, I realize I should probably not come down until Kellin says so.

I sit back down, waiting for a few minutes. Until finally, I hear the words I've been waiting on...

Lonely Life ~A Kellin Quinn Fanfiction~Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora