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After my useless conversations with my cousin and my old friend, I sit down. I have to think of what to do. But to lessen my stress, I put on music. My favorite band, Sleeping With Sirens. I turn it up and just close my eyes so I can think. I can't call anyone else, so I'll have to see if there's a way to extend my time elsewhere... If I have my stuff still here, tomorrow, I could be in huge trouble... It sucks because I don't even get time to think about this. But before I can finish thinking, I start falling asleep, which feels great since I haven't slept in days.

Once I wake up, it's about 10 at night, and my music isn't off. It's pitch black in my apartment. I stand up, unsteadily and head for the door. I open it and walk outside for cool air. It's a really pretty night out. The sky is a dark, navy blue/black and there are so many stars. It's a good night for a walk...

With that in mind, I go back inside and turn the lights on. I go to my room which I have no bed in, and look through my closet for something warm. I put on some torn jeans and a long sleeve shirt, with my flannel coat. Feeling warm enough, I grab my apartment keys and open the door to leave.

I start walking towards the sidewalk and just think. With the pit in my stomach I always have, I sigh. It's really lonely not having anyone there for you. Not having anyone have your back. It's hard to deal with things on your own but I still feel like everyone feels like that from time to time. It's gotten so bad with my money I've contemplated just stealing things, but I know I can't. I've been easy crackers for the past week, but after they're gone, I won't have money for more. I seriously have no money.

I've tried getting a job, but no one accepts my applications. I had a job here and there, but I can't keep them. I keep getting laid off. I won't quit a job no matter what with how my money is. Something must seriously be wrong with me if I can't keep a simple job. But before I realize it, I'm completely lost. I haven't been paying attention to where I was going. Of fucking course, you can't even remember where you came from. I turn around, hoping that's where I came from. I walk out into the road, crossing to the other side because no cars have been around since I started walking, until I see headlights coming at me. I try to run out of the way, but before I know it, I feel a sharp pain all over and my vision goes black as I fall to the ground. Well, at least I'll be dying without doing it to myself...

~Sorry this chapter was a bit dramatic and stuff xD~ (Kellin will be coming in very soon, Lovelies c:)


Lonely Life ~A Kellin Quinn Fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now