Catching Up

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I find the carousel I was looking for, and we sit in the living room now.

Basically... I remembered Tyler. Around the time I was living with my cousin, I would go to Hot Topic now and then. Tyler and I had met. We got to be really close friends and were pretty much inseparable, except for when I had to go home.

Then when I ran away from my cousin's and got the apartment, I wasn't able to go see him again...

"What made you just disappear all of a sudden...? Like you used to come in multiple tines a week. Then one day you just disappeared." He looks at me with a questioning face.

"Well you know about my cousin being some man slut right?" I giggle a little at my wording.

He nods. "I ended up running away. I took my money and ran away. I went a long way. I had been living on the streets for about 4-5 months until I finally got to get this apartment. It's just ironic how you're here now."

"Wow. A lot happened, I'm really sorry..." He looks away.

"No! It's fine, don't be. I feel sorry for myself so much, no one else really needs to." We laugh a little and then I get a text from Kellin.

Him: "Where did you go? Just making sure you're safe."
Me: "Yeah I'm ok. I ran into someone. Can I bring them by?"
Him: "Is it a normal person?"
Me: "Well I wouldn't say normal.... But not bad. Aha."
Him: "Sure, you can invite them. Just tell them I'm sick so they don't get it too."

I put my phone back. "Sorry.. That was a friend. Speaking of that, after I moved out of here, I actually moved in with a friend... Want to come? I'm sure you guys would be great friends." I stand up.

"Sure. How far is it?" He stands up too, grabbing his car keys.

"Just... About 2 miles away. I'll give you the directions." I walk towards the door. He opens it, following me out.

On the ride there, I explain to him about my friend.

"So this friend of mine is someone you might know." I look over to see his reaction.

"Wha.. Have I met them??" He turns onto the street he lives on.

"I don't think so. But I know you'll be happy with this!" I laugh as he gets agitated, trying to think who it could be.

"Who is it?" I stay silent.

He'll find out soon enough. With the rest of the ride silent, we finally arrive.

"Any guesses?" I say, getting out of the car.

"No clue!" He laughs a little and I head to the door with my key.

"Okay. Are you ready?" I look over at him.

"If I have to be, aha." He follows me in when I open the door. Kellin is sitting on the couch. He looks over at us and smiles a bit.

"No fucking way." He whispers to himself. "You're living with..."

Kellin stands up and walks over to us. "Sooo he isn't going to try to kill anyone, or steal your things?" He laughs.

"No. Don't worry this time." I close the door behind us.

Kellin reaches out to shake his hand but Tyler had just been in shock for a moment. Then, he reached out and did so.

"It's nice to meet you. I'm a big fan." They smile at eachother.

"I'll be back in a moment." I say, heading upstairs to put my carousel away.

I put it down on the dresser, and turn around. I also decide to get into something comfier. I put on some jeggings and a t-shirt which not only looks normal, but is comfortable as fuck.

I walk out again. I peek over the rail and see Kellin and him sitting on the couch talking. They must have gotten along well within that short period of time.

I walk down the stairs and sit down on the opposite side of the sectional couch.

"So what are you guys talking about?" I say. They look over at me.

"Music." They spoke in unison, making me laugh a little.

"Ah, music. The foundation of my life." Kellin nods and they go back to talking.

After sitting there for a moment listening in on the conversation, I get a phone call.

"Ah... Hold on. I'll be back in a minute." I run upstairs and answer.



It's my cousin. Again.

"What do you want?"

"I wanted to say I'm sorryyyyy for trying to take your moneyyyy."

"You're slurring almost every word. Are you drunk?"

"Am I drunk? No! Nooo I'm not drunk."

"Just tell me what you want."

"I wanted to say I'm sorryyyy but are you sure there's no money to lend meee?"

"I'm sure. You need to go. You're a drunk asshole and a drug addict. I'm not giving you any money..."

"Excuse me? I was being nice to you and you're acting like this?"

I hang up. I'd rather not deal with his bullshit. I set my phone on my bed to charge and go back downstairs where they're talking still.

Lonely Life ~A Kellin Quinn Fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now