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After waking up the next morning, I start to feel woozy. Like I was dizzy and lightheaded.

I decide to ask him what I should do. I open my room door and Kellin had just left his room.

"K-Kellin..." I reach for the wall because I was about to fall. He looks over and rushes to help me balance.

"What happened?" He says with an apologetic look on his face.

"I-I don't know... I feel all woozy. Dizzy. Lightheaded. I'm in pain and I have a headache and my stomach hurts..." I lean on his side that he was opening to help me balance.

"Hmm... Maybe you've eaten something weird..." He helps me start going down the stairs.

"Maybe." I say trying to sound convincing.

He helps me sit on the couch. "You know, Kellin. I feel bad..."

He glances over at me. "For what?"

"Things keep happening and it's like you're just taking care of me..." I look down in shame.

"No. It's fine. I'm glad to help." He smiles at me. Then, he walks over with a plate of waffles and sets them carefully on my lap.

"You need to eat..." He gives me a worried smile.

"I-I'm not hungry." I say, looking at the beautifully made plate of waffles. I feel bad not eating them when he made them for me...

"Chassity." He sits down beside me and looks at me. "Yes you are..."

I let out an awkward laugh. "What? N-No. I'm really not..."

"Chassityyyy," He drags out the 'y' in my name. "I know. You need to eat because I found out..."

"Found what out? I'm not hiding anything." I lied.

"You haven't eaten since you came here and not even the day you were in the hospital. That's why you feel like shit. You need to eat. Okay?" He looks at me.

I immediately look down, ashamed that I had lied. "How did you find out?"

"A few things gave it away. First, it just didn't seem right that every time I ask if you're hungry or want to eat, there's an excuse." He laughs. "And..." He giggles again. "I don't have pizza here. I didn't last night!"

I started giggling a little too. "Oh. Well. Can I ask why you never said anything before now?"

"Well I wasn't fully sure. I didn't want to just accuse you of it and have it not be true. Also, it was none of my business. But if it's starting to make you feel sick then you need to eat." He puts his hand on my head. "I'm going to let you eat but I have to make a work call. Okay?"

I smile at him. "Okay. Thanks for everything."

"Anytime! If you ever need to talk, I'm here okay?" He picks up his phone and heads to the door.

"Okay." I smile and slowly eat the waffles which end up being great.

- Sorry this chapter is so short. I'm trying to make them bond xD - Author

Lonely Life ~A Kellin Quinn Fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now