Getting to Know

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In the car ride, it was pretty quiet until he breaks it.

"So. Tell me about yourself?" He keeps his eyes on the road driving.

"Well, what do you want to know?" I say, looking over at him.

"Anything. Your family, are you like gonna kill me in my sleep, do you like animals...." He giggles.

"One of those isn't like the others!" I say, laughing. "But to answer them, my family first. Well, I don't really have family. I have a cousin. That's about it. My parents passed when I was 8. Someone shot them both, but it's fine, because I never got close to them and I don't even remember anything about them except for what they look like to be honest. Second, no! Last, yes. I love them."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. About your parents. Have you lived alone since then??" He says, still keeping his eyes on the road.

"No, I was with my cousin. My cousin is an asshole though. He's one of those people that don't talk to you for a year and then they need something so they act all nice, and once they get it they stop talking again. If you need something they don't care if it doesn't benefit them... Someone like that. It's just like him. If he doesn't get what he wants, he could be dangerous too. I hate that guy. I was living with him for a while and then I finally moved out into the apartment about a year ago, when I was finally able to. I don't know how though because I'm technically still not old enough to live on my own."

He looks over at me then, and then looks back to the road. "I see. How old are you anyways? No- wait, wait. Let me guess! Umm... 17?"

"Bingo!" I say, giggling. "But then again isn't The Kellinator always right?!"

He starts laughing and then says, "What a nickname!"

Really, though. Kellin seems like somebody I'll be able to easily talk to instead of having to step over glass just to talk without having issues. Which would be a relief.

After a few more minutes of silent riding, we get to the apartment I live at.

"What are we doing here?" I say, looking over at him.

"To get the things you'll need. Do you have your key?" He smiles at me.

"I sure do! I have some boxes packed already but I'll only grab the stuff I need." I open the door , and he gets out and comes to my side to help me out.

"Remember you can't walk a whole lot, so I'll help. If you need to sit down though, I can bring what you need out for you." I still get out and head for the stairs.

"Thank you, but I think I'll be okay." I go up and unlock my door. I grab my phone, and check in the boxes for what's inside of them.

~Sorry this was a short chapter guys, I had to make a filler chapter c:~

Lonely Life ~A Kellin Quinn Fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now