People Problems

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I open my eyes, squinting at the unfamiliar new room. I sit up and wipe my eyes. I look over at the clock to see it's one o'clock...
I slept that long?! He's going to think I'm so fucking lazy! I get up and throw some clean clothes on quickly and run out of my room. I look over the bannister at the end of the hallway and I look down into the living room. Kellin is sitting on the couch on his phone. I go down the stairs slowly and sit down by him, making sure not to disturb his conversation. But he sees me and he says in the phone, "Yeah. Look I'll talk to you later okay?"

A few seconds later he hangs up and looks at me. "How did you sleep?"

I smile at him. "I slept very well! Thank you. Did you sleep well?"

He smiles in return. "I suppose so. Are you hungry?"

The question. 'Are you hungry?' I can't take it. Yes. I am hungry. Am I going to eat? No, I won't. I haven't eaten in a few days but I don't plan to for a bit. I'm already fat. If I just don't eat it may help. But what do I say? I already told him I wasn't hungry this morning.

He may have realized my zoning out, because he poked my forehead and said "Hellooooo?"

"O-Oh... N-No. I'm good. Thanks." I say smiling.

"But you didn't eat earlier either and you've been in the hospital since yesterday evening. You must be at least a bit hungry!" He says with a worried expression.

"N-No. I'm fine. I can go a bit without eating, like my stomach just doesn't make me hungry much." I let out an awkward laugh, to try and be convincing.

I may have done it well enough because he let the topic go. "So. Do you have anything to get done today?"

"Not really unless you need me to do something. Oh- By the way! Is it cool if someone comes over...? My friend wants to see me..."

He smiles and then says, "Of course."

I stand up and walk upstairs to grab my phone. The thing is, I lied. There wasn't some friend. I'm going to let my cousin over. I'm going to give him the money he's been asking for. Only because I feel bad even though he doesn't deserve it.

I dial his number, and he picks up with his raspy voice.


"Yeah. Hi."

"Finally decided to lend me some bucks, eh?"

"Yeah... I feel bad for not letting you have some money. I know what it's like to be broke."

"I thought you were jobless though?"

"I am. But I have some money to lend I guess..."

"Good. I'll be coming over soon."



"You'll have to come to a... Friend's house. Like I said about being evicted, I had to move out. But I'm at a friend's house. Okay?"

"A'ight. What's the adress, Hun?"

I give him the adress and we say our goodbyes.

After a few minutes of waiting, I hear the doorbell ring. I head downstairs in a hurry, hoping I can answer the door. But by the time I got down, Kellin already had the door open and was letting him in. Shit. What part of me said this was a good idea?
I walk over to him.


He glares at me and says, "Yo."

Kellin stays quiet and sits back down. "If you want something to drink, Guys, there's stuff in the fridge." He says, smiling.

"A'ight thanks, Man." My cousin says. Then I head to my room and he follows me.

"So. You got my money?" He closes the door behind him.

"How much do you need..?" I hope he doesn't need much... I'm pretty broke but I could lend him a few dollars.

"Hmm. Let's say around... $200?" He walks closer.

"T-Two hundred?? I don't have that..." He's a bit intimidating. I forgot this...

"How much you got then?" He looks over at my wallet on the dresser. He walks over and picks it up. I try to stop him because if he sees how little I have, I'm screwed. He reaches over me and grabs it anyways.

"Let me have it!" I say, trying to take it from him.

"You best not touch this, Girly. I'm gonna keep this." He slides it into his pocket.

"That's fucking mine! You xan't just take it! Money isn't all that's in it!" I reach into his pocket but he shoves me back.

"I said, leave it alone!!" He yells and I step back.

"F-Fine..." My eyes water up a bit. I had other things in there. A picture of my parents and I, my money, cards... Hell, even a razor. I just need him to let me take my other things.

"Can I just take the other things out please?" I say, reaching my hand out.

"Nah. I don't trust you to keep the money in there." He smirks.

I get fed up. "Excuse me! THIS IS MY FUCKING WALLET. MY FUCKING MONEY. I was going to lend you some but that's just NOT GOOD ENOUGH?!" I reach into his pocket quickly to grab it.

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!" You can see the rage on his face and probably mine too.

"Make me." I glare and take open the wallet. Then he hits me and it hits my side, causing an excruciating amount of pain. I accidentally drop the wallet and grab my side. I sit down on the floor and put my head into the bed trying not to scream.

Then he comes over and lifts up the side of my shirt he hit me at. I hit him in the face lightly because I can't move much. "What the fuck are you doing?"
He just keeps trying and I gather enough strength to kick him. He knocks me onto the ground because of that and I hit my head in the nightstand, causing me to shriek. "GET THE FUCK OUT RIGHT NOW!"

I hear the door to my room slam shut as he leaves with my wallet. But I black out a little bit again.

Lonely Life ~A Kellin Quinn Fanfiction~Where stories live. Discover now