"So" Mrs. Cruz said as she placed the cup of coffee and a box of doughnuts on the small table between them and sat down on the small sofa. "How is your new home coming?"

Mrs. Cruz knew not to ask about Sarah's feelings to quickly within the hour because Sarah would never answer the question and probably shut down which would make it an impossible session.

"Good" Sarah said which surprised both of them.

"Good?" she asked "Now there is a word I never thought was in your vocabulary"

"Funny" Sarah said sarcastically which made Mrs. Cruz smile.

"Alright, why is this new family good?"

"You met them already" Sarah said stubbornly.

"I do but I do not know them personally and you know me; I love gossip"

"Well, I believe Leanne is an alien. Don't laugh, this is serious"

"I'm sorry" Mrs. Cruz trying her best not to laugh "but you never one for superstition"

"Well, she has me questioning my beliefs"

And so, for the first time in a long time, Sarah actually talked about something concrete. Mrs. Cruz didn't take notes, she only listened and commented on some things. Obviously, she already knew about Sarah's fight with Ken which earned her fifty hour community service. Sarah had a week left of service, not to mention her upcoming volunteering to follow a group of third years on a PD day.

"Well, I'm glad you are finally getting something good" Mrs. Cruz told her. "Now you only have to be careful as to keep it"

"Easier said than done"

"No need to tell me" Mrs. Cruz said with a smile as raised her hands in the air "don't look at me like that Sarah, you forget I know the things you are capable of. I'm not saying you're a bad person.I know you have done everything to protect yourself and Sashiko; survival is a bitch"

Sarah moved uncomfortably on her seat, not knowing what to say as Mrs. Cruz continued to talk.

"What I have learned over the years of working with you is that it is easy for you to return to your darkest self. This family is something you never experienced before so you have to be extremely careful of where you put your next step. Have you heard from them?"

"No" Sarah spat "Even Rob lost sight of them and he's a detective"

"They will turn up eventually and Rob will find evidence against them" Mrs. Cruz said with confidence. She had to stay optimist for both Sarah and Sunny as they were slowly losing the little hope they had left.


When her appointment was done, Sarah walked out quite satisfied and made her way to the bus station. She never thought she could talk that much in an hour. Being back in Montreal gave Sarah goosebumps. Somehow it didn't seem like home anymore, not that it ever was. She knew the streets very well, maybe too well. She knew where the drug dealers hung out, who the corrupt cops were in a few neighborhoods since Montreal was a big city. Sarah also had a few enemies around and the sooner she was out of Montreal, the safer she would be.

Sarah was diagnosed with Paranoia, among other things, and every time she was in Montreal, it overflowed her mind. Sarah quickly got on the bus back to St-Hudson, always making sure to look behind her. She had a feeling of being followed but couldn't see anyone. She didn't know if it was her paranoia or her instinct but all she wanted to do was get as far away as fast as she could.

Arriving by the car, Sarah hesitated again. She started pacing back and forth, wondering if she should drive the car back or just call Carly. She was already in enough trouble and after talking with her shrink, she didn't want to be in any more. It was ironic since Sarah never actually listened to Mrs. Cruz before. Things really seemed to be changing.

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