Code RED!!

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I was tagged by JaureguiObsessed and fvcknglow ! and i think i need to do this..
ok! let's start

1. Hi my name is Angela you call me angie, angel or whatever you want

2. I was born on 08/04

3. I'm half Filipino and half chinese but i don't speak chinese lol!

4. I love singing, i can play a little bit in guitar and drums

5. My height is 5'4 i know i'm short 😒

6. I am a Swiftie, Little black star and ofcourse a Harmonizer!! 😉

7. I don't have a self confidence, I'm scared to people to judge me

8. I love the color pink and black 😁

9. My first fanfiction i was really obsessed is the Everything a Lauren/you. by WhileATeen

10. i actually scared to right a story in here because i don't know if people gonna like it and my grammar is not that good. but camrenharmonizer97 she convince me to try and write a story

11. I always make sure the people i care/love is ok. and i always in their side if they need someone to talk

12. I am the person who is always walking in back of my friends, because we can't fit in the hallway in school

13. I am not that smart like my family, but i have a big dream

I'm not gonna tag 15 people that's too many sorry i just gonna tag 8 people.
Here they are:


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