Chapter Foutrteen

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             Yep, I was right, Troy and Austin, the French Prince's. They're parents, who I do not know the names of are staring at us like we lost our minds. Austin is staring me down like a hawk with a greedy look in his eyes and Troy looks at all of us, taking us in one by one. His eyes lock on mine, and I just can't help to be drawn to him. Will I fall in love with him too? I've been kissed twice by two different people in the last 30 minutes.

           "Hello." I manage to say. I'm so confused and naked that I don't know what else to say. Only thing I can think of is to introduce everyone.

            "I'm Princess Annebelle Eliza Monroe, this is Elizabeth Belle Monroe. Mr. Adam Parker and Mr. Chase Washington, our protection detail." I glance over at Liz and she looks as confused as I. They aren't supposed to be here, they're not due here until another four months! 

             "Thank you Annebelle," the Queen says. "I believe you know these fine people here. Prince Troy and Prince Austin. Queen Abella and Kind Acel, the royal family of France, as I said." 

            We all bow to them and they nod back. I'm so confused and exposed! This is so embarrassing, and to make matters worse, Austin can't keep his eyes from wandering my body. He's not even mine! He picked Elizabeth, not me!

            "Mother," Liz speaks up. "Not to be rude, but why are they here?" I see her eyes dart to Austin, then to me as she sees he's eyeballing me, and I know she's truly upset                                          

            "I was waiting for you to ask that. As you may know, I've told you all that the French family will be here in four months and for you to be prepared, but that was a trick. Today was their scheduled landing in our great home. We told you to be prepared and we watched to see, then we brought them in unannounced to see if you really were ready. We now see that you weren't." 

They all turn their heads and look at us. I turn around and realize that Adam and Chase are both gone, where could they have gone? Troy looks at me and forces a small smile before he turns back and faces his parents.

            "Well, shall we commence with the meet and greet?" he asks. His voice is like melting honey, and I quickly find myself latching on to every word he says.

            "Yes brother, we shall." Austin gaze on me has grown heavier, and I shiver from his gaze. He looks me dead in the eyes and makes a small wink. I blush dark crimson, and I know he's pleased. Troy and Austin get up to say goodbye to their parents and turn to walk our way. As they get closer, I back away. Once they're in talking range I turn around and walk to my room. 

            "Princess, wait up." Troy calls out. I can't help but turn around.

            "Oh, hi. How nice it is to have you here." I say bitterly, a fake smile plastered on my face. But it's not nice to have him here, because that means no time with Adam anymore, at all.

             "Where we headed?"

             "My room." I say, and turn to go, already ten paces ahead. By the time Troy catches up, I'm in my room, the door swinging shut. He gets inside before it closes and just stands there looking at me.

             "Can I help you?" I ask.  

             "I'm here to talk."

             "There's nothing to talk about. We know all about each other."

             "I just wanted to talk."

            "Well as you can see, I need to change. This outfit is a bit slutty, but I think your brother figured that out pretty quick." I cross my arms over my chest, catching an attitude. It's not him I'm mad at, but I need someone to put my anger out on.

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