Chapter Six

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      "I think father would rather have two sons than two daughters." I whisper to Liz as we nearly jog to catch up to Amelia. "I mean, did you see him? He has no one to talk to, to catch up with. I feel sorry for him."

      "Feel sorry? Are you crazy? I bet he's glad he doesn't have a son. I mean, come on. Do you honestly think he would be able to deal with boy versions of us? Ha! Doubt it. And besides, he seemed to enjoy you very well yesterday." Liz says bitterly.

      "You aren't jealous about that, are you? He fancies you far more than me. I made a fool of him yesterday. I bet he wishes he had a son over me."

       "Girls, you know your father loves you very much." Amelia calls back to us. "He just has a hard way of showing it. Maybe he would like a son, I don't know, but he appreciates you both very much. Since we lost your brother Maxwell, it's been hard." the Queen lets out a little sniffle, but soon regains her perfect posture. Elizabeth and I both let out a huge gasp and Amelia turns around.

       "You're telling me, that we have a brother?" I nearly shout at her. "Oh my gosh! Where is he? What happened to him?"

       "He's dead Annebelle. Died in child birth. They sent him away before we could even say goodbye." Amelia looks on the brim of tears. I know I should stop yelling at her about it, it's not her fault.

       "Omg, I'm so very sorry. I didn't know." Liz runs over to Amelia and hugs her. I stand motionless, stuck.

       "What in the holy hell is going on?" the King runs over to the now crying Amelia.

       "We-we don't know Sir. We were just talking, and a chat about our brother came up. Then she started crying. That's all." Liz explains.

        "You, guards." the King points to the closest guard. "Take Amelia back to our chambers. I'll get the girls where they need to go."

        "Yes your Highness." the guard quickly grabs the Queen, and just like that, girl time is over. And suddenly, I'm mad as hell.

         "What the f***?" I tell the King. "She was fine, we could have taken care of her. She's an adult, and she doesn't need you to take control of her." I state.

          "Annebelle! What are you doing!?" Liz yells at me.

          "Oh not you too! Come on, you know I'm right!" But I wasn't right, and I knew it. But I opened my big ass mouth, and I couldn't go back on it now.

          "Your room, now." the King said. He motioned to the other guard standing by, and told him to watch me as I go. "Make sure you tell Mr. Parker to watch over her from now on." The guard takes my arm gently and pulls me in the direction of my room.

          "Let me go!" But his grip didn't falter. "Liz! Help me! Please!" Her back was turned on me and she was walking away with the King, his hand on her back. "Liz! Please!"

          "Ma'am, can you please stop yelling?" 

          "Oh shut up!" He shuts his mouth. Finally, we make it to my room, and he hands me off to Adam.

          "Your Majesty, what happened?" Adam asks.

          "I don't want to talk about." I barge through my door and shut it behind me. Now I know where Liz and I stand in the King's eyes. I'm the problem child. She's the goody-goody. Great, that makes us enemies. Liz was supposed to be on my side! She was supposed to back me up, not cower in a corner on the King's side. He just doesn't know anything about me except my horrid attitude and lack of hostility. I now hate the King. Well, I don't particularly like him. And for that matter, Liz isn't on my list of favorite people either. But I had an idea. With it in mind, I run to the door.

         "Your Majesty, what's the problem?" Adam asks.

          "I need you to take me to the Queen's chambers, now."

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