Chapter Ten

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          "Your Majesty, time for dinner." Adam shakes me awake. 


          "You need to get ready, everyone is already down there." I roll over and look up at him. Damn, he is so beautiful, and I'm so..........not. I must look crazy with my hair.

          "Don't look at me, I look crazy." I mutter, standing up.

          "It's alright, I'll let you get ready." He walks towards the door and heads out without another word. Seems like he became even more distant. Quickly, I brush out my hair as best I could and manage and put it up into a messy bun, not caring. I look down at my body and realize I still have that slutty red dress on from earlier. I take it off and throw on a simple black sundress. Finishing it off, I put on some black flats to match and head out the door.

          "Hello Your Majesty, hope you slept well." Adam greets me.

          "Yes, thank you." I nod in his way. He begins to walk down the hall.

          "Oh, no no. I won't need your help anymore, but thank you. I've been down there enough to know my way."

          "Of course, ma'am." he moves back in his position by my door. Nodding in his way once more, I walk down the hallway and into the banquet hall.

          "Hello, Annebelle. How nice of you to join us. We didn't think you would. We were just talking about your suitors." Amelia stands. 

           "Great, what about them is there we need to know that we don't already?"

           "There names, interest, likes, dislikes. The whole bundle." Liz speaks up.

           "Well lets hear it." I take a seat away from everyone, they keep their eyes on me.

           "Okay, it is mandatory for you to know everything about them. After all, they know everything about you. They know your attitude, what you hate, what you've been through. They even picked who they wanted."

           "So, you're telling me, they know all about me? They did research on us, and chose who they connected to the most?"


           "That's sick."

           "Annebelle," Liz says, jumping in. She looked as mad and frustrated as me, and I knew why. Because she agreed with me, she agreed that this was just a bunch of bulls***. "Calm down and listen to what she has to say, please." I look over at her and she shakes her head slightly as if, 'not now.' I understand immediately and shut up.

            "Thank you. Anyway, you'll both receive packets on them. What they love and hate, all that good stuff. Your father won't allow you to choose, he already chose for you. Elizabeth, your suitor is 18, you're 17, seemed fair. His name is Austin Chevalier. You need to figure out the rest." Amelia hands Elizabeth a huge manila folder and Liz takes it gracefully. Amelia turns and looks at me and I brace for impact.

             "Annebelle, sweet 16 year old Annebelle. Your suitor, you might be surprised, is also 18. His name is Troy Chevalier." She hands me a thick folder, thicker than Elizabeth's. It's so heavy, what does this man do? Wait, he's the Prince, he can do anything he wants. Amelia clears her throat.

              "You guys have four months to get to know every part of your suitors. We expect you to be kind and act like you have manners. They'll be watching you, as will we. Now, I believe that you two have some work to do." Liz and I look at each other before standing up and heading out.

              "What do we do now?" I ask her.

              "Research. Honestly, the only reason I don't agree with this is because I can't keep your body guard out of my mind." Liz sighs. Ugh, this nonsense again. Adam is my man. Well, body guard, but he was mine. With a huff, I walk faster leaving Liz behind. Without even thinking, I go up to Adam and hug him tight. 

              "Your Majesty, what-?" Adam staggers back.

              "Just go with it. Please." I bury my face in his shoulder harder and pretend to cry. He pats and rubs my back, pretending to comfort me. And a small part of me wishes that this wasn't pretend.

             "Annebelle, what happened?" I hear Liz asks as she passes by.

             "I think she's having a break down, ma'am. I can handle her, but thank you." 

             "Oh, of course. I'll see you later, Mr.?" 

             "Parker, ma'am. It's Parker."

             "I'll see you later Mr. Parker." I hear her say, but it's said in a seducing way. Ugh, can't she just leave him alone and take a hint? After she walks around the corner, Adam picks me up and takes me in my room and sets me on my bed.

             "Mind telling me what that was all about?"

             "Ummm, no. You did your job, thank you." I say, not looking up at him. I hate to have him see me like this, so quiet and distant.

             "I'll just go...." Adam turns around to leave. 

             "Wait, Adam, I need your help with something, please."

             "Of course, what is it?"

             "Can you help me with this information on my suitor, please. It's a huge envelope, and I need to adapt and start to like the things he likes, in just four months."

             "Aw, yes, suitors. What's the point in those? Why can't people see that love is a natural free flowing thing? This whole thing is sickening in my opinion. But yes, I'll help you out."

             "You think it's a bunch of bulls*** too? Well, at least I'm not the only one. Let's get started then." I motion over to my work space they provided and Adam and I take a seat.

             "You're sure you want my help?"

             "Duh, don't weak out on me."

             "Alright, here we go." he sighs. I open the envelope and carefully take out the items one by one. There's a huge packet on his likes, one on his dislikes, pictures, the whole lot. This dude is just, out there. He's one who expresses his emotions, something I struggle with immensely. 

             "Let's get to know your future prince. Oh, what a happily ever after."

             "More like, never ever after." I chuckle, and Adam grins. I really like him. But I can't catch feelings. Shaking my head, I look away from him and begin on the work.

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