Chapter Nine

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        For the rest of the day, it felt like my stomach was filled with little butterflies. My family accepted my apology and I agreed to the suitors after a difficult argument. I don't know why they called them that, they were actually Prince's. After our discussion, Amelia went over everything. Yes, they're Prince's. Also, there will be only two. One for each of us. That, I believe I can tolerate, at least to an extent. They're also from France, french Prince's! Can you even imagine? But, just the thought of an arrange marriage, that they still do those. To force your kids to fall in love and make babies just to keep the royal blood rolling? Pathetic. You aren't supposed to be forced to fall in love, love is free flowing and natural. You won't see it coming, but you'll know when your in love, I think. I wouldn't know, I've never been in love, never had anyone in love with me. Shame, and now, I won't get the chance, because my parents who I just fount out existed three days ago, are marrying me off. 

There's a knock at my door.

           "Come in." I tell them. Adam peeks his head in.

           "So, how did whatever happen, go?" he asks.

           "Oh, you know," I say, rising from my bed. "Parents ruining your life, like always."

           "I wouldn't know, I was given away at child birth. Parents thought something was wrong with me or something. They didn't tell me what."

           "Oh, Adam. I'm so sorry."

           "Doesn't matter, it was a long time ago." he shakes his head. I wish I could go over and comfort him, but he doesn't look like the type who likes to be pitied, and I don't blame him. He's trying to pull off this tough guy persona, but I can see right through that little mask. It just gets more clearer and clearer the more he talks to me. Burt he has me in the dark, why won't he let me in? 

           "What's the big fuss anyway? That had you two feet in your own tears?" he asks, looking up at me.

            "You know, just an arranged marriage. Same old, same old." I mutter under my breath. I glance up at Adam and his face is plain, like the first day I met him.

            "Oh, okay. Well, I just came in to tell you that Liz wants you in her chambers." he says and shuffles out the door. Hmm, that was weird. It's also weird that Liz wants me. I get off my bed and walk out the door, realizing I have no idea where her room is.

             "Adam, may you please show me the way? I have never been to Liz's room."

             "Of course, your Majesty. Right this way." he starts to walk down the right side of the corridor, opposite of the banquet hall.

             "Please, call me Annebelle."

             "I'm more comfortable with, "Her Majesty", my lady, if you don't mind." Adam mutters. It takes every bit of will power to keep my hands off of him. Yeah, my shoes are hell with heels, but also because I just want to. I want to touch him, and from what he yelled, he doesn't mind. But I don't, for the sake of my humanity and for the sake of his wrath, I'm afraid he'll lash out.

             "Here we are your Majesty." He motions to the huge door that's similar to mine. I knock, and Liz invites me in.

            "Hello Annebelle.  Come take a seat." Liz is sitting over in a corner with a tea tray in front of her. Her room is completely opposite of mine. It's filled with everything in shades of gold and red. Beautiful. Suits her, the tone and everything. I walk over and take a seat. 

             "So, what's this about?" I ask, taking a seat.

             "About our suitors." she answers without looking up.

             "Don't call them that, it freaks me out, and they're called Prince's."

             "Yeah, whatever. Anyway, I needed to talk to you about them."

              "What about them is there we need to know that we don't already?"

              "Well," she starts, finally looking at me. "I know you don't like them, and that you think this  ridiculous, but you need to think it through. Having someone who loves you won't be so bad, will it?"

               "Oh yeah, having someone who is forced to love me is wonderful. Why don't you bring all the ones you can find and just have a party?!" My sarcasm is heavy, but Liz chooses to ignore it. She knows I'm right though, she has to. I mean, come on. Who out there actually still believes in this? It's insane.

               "Don't joke around Annebelle." she warns.

               "You know I'm right, don't you? You can't possibly believe in something suicidal.

               "Suicidal? How so?"

               "Agreeing to this whole 'arrange marriage' thing is just asking to die. You can't, I mean, it's just not right. Please don't tell me you agree with this." I beg. Liz just sips on her little tea.

               "No." she says, after two minutes of silence.

               "No, what?"

               "No, I don't agree to the arrange marriage."

               "I knew it! I knew it! Ugh, all this time, I thought you were actually serious about this. But thy? Why didn't you stand up and speak out? Tell them what you think of it?"

               "Because, Annebelle. Somethings, being a Princess, you need to keep to yourself. Whether you like it or not. That's just how it goes."

               "It sucks." I say, shaking my head.

               "It does, indeed. Anyway, I have some work I need to do. I need to organize my outfits for the ceremony and everything. So, if you can see your way out?"

               "Of course." I say, rising from my seat. I make my way to the door and head out, meeting up with Adam. He starts to speak, but I stop him and kindly ask him to take me back to my room. He nods his head and starts forward. So after all this time, Liz didn't agree with any of it. But yet, she kept it to herself for the sake of everyone. She's the one who deserves the title of a Princess. She's the one everyone should envy, not me.

                 "Here we are, ma'am." Adam opens the door for me and I walk in. I thank him and tell him to call me when dinner is ready. I bet he wants to know what's wrong with me, to be honest, I want to know too. But not now, now, it's time for a nap so I can escape this place at least for awhile.

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