Chapter Eleven

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           ~All about Troy:

       LIKES: Troy enjoys anything you do with a pen and paper. He loves to read, write, draw, paint, anything you can imagine, he enjoys. Troy is a classy man. He enjoys all things fancy and elegant, has excellent manners, and is never afraid to take on a challenge. He loves poetry, loves writing it, and I must say, a hopeless romantic. He can't go five minutes without quoting something, it's incredible. Be prepared for it. I'm assuming you love it as much as he does, or he wouldn't have picked you. You must have a strong passion. He also loves music of all sorts, mostly opera or jazz, and of course, love songs. Old style, of course. He enjoys horse back rides and walks in the forest, only in Autumn. He love, love, loves to sing. Troy has such a beautiful voice and can't wait to sing to you. He loves people with an attitude, who are feisty and sassy. Don't be afraid to tell him what's on your mind, he is very fond on honesty.

       Dislikes: Troy hates candy, anything that is sweet. He doesn't even like sugar in his tea. So be advised, never have sugar around him. He dislikes fakers, anyone who pretends to be someone they're not. Doesn't like pop music, or country. Hates anything that isn't soft or fragile, including his women. Hates if he doesn't get his point in, or doesn't have a say in anything. Oh, and absolutely hates bananas. Be sure you don't eat any or have banana breath, he'll know.

       "Oh my Jesus, Adam, this dude was born in the wrong era. It's the 21st century and this guy enjoys opera and poetry. What kind of madness is this?" I complain. He just sighs and continues reading. I do as well.

        Adam was born and raised in France. He's been studying three different languages all his life. His English is impeccable. He knows French the best, as he should. I recommend you learn it, for he speaks it often. As you know, Troy is indeed 18 years old, very wealthy, and can't wait to meet you.

With a sigh, I put the papers down. The rest of the packet is filled with pictures of Troy, beautiful Troy. He's absolutely beautiful, he should be a god. 

         "Adam, I'm not sure about this whole thing. I mean look at him, he's beautiful. No offense."

         "None taken, I fully understand. But you have a lot of work to do." Adam sighs and stands up. We've been going over Troy's things for two hours now and I know he's tired and ready to go. But I don't want him to go, and I'm to afraid to ask him to stay. I know he wouldn't, and it would be very inappropriate if he did. I walk him over to the door and open it for him.

          "Thank you for your help, I really appreciate it, really, I do."

           "No problem Your Majesty." He bows and walks to his room, I assume, since he isn't posting himself up outside me room.

            "You'll be here tomorrow?" I call out.

            "Of course. I can stay here if you like, if you don't feel safe." he stares deep into my eyes and I just can't say no. I open the door wider and motioning him to come back.

             "Come on in."

             "Your Majesty, are you positive? I mean, is that appropriate?

             "Oh, Adam. We won't be sleeping in the same bed silly. You can take the couch." He walks in and I shut the door behind him. He stands by the door, looking nervous. 

              "What about Princess Elizabeth and Their Majesty's? What will they think?" he murmurs.

              "Adam, I couldn't give two f**** about what they think. Besides, I can make orders too. Come on, I believe I have extra linen in the closet." I walk over to the huge walk in closet and take the extra linen off the top shelf and hand it to him.

               "I hope you're comfortable in that, I don't think I have any clothes for you."

               "It's fine." he says, taking the linen. "I'll manage. And thank you, I haven't slept in two days."

               "Oh, you must be exhausted. Go ahead and go to sleep, I'm just gonna go change." I take a night gown out the closet and walk into the bathroom, cutting the shower on. I strip down and hop in, my body slumped over from the day. The water is blazing hot, but I don't care, I hardly notice. My mind is on Troy and Adam, my suitor and the man I'm catching feelings for. Sweet, sweet Adam and beautiful Troy. I know I have no choice, and if I did, my choice would still be undecided. Who would I chose? Adam? Troy? Chase, my high school crush who moved away before I could even express my feelings? But that doesn't matter, he never talked to me. Adam talks to me, and Troy will, in his own poetic way, and I'll have to sit back and wait four whole months for him to come while my relationship with Adam grows. Great, so by the time Troy gets here, I'll be completely in love with Adam! But is that really a bad thing? Maybe so, but do I really care? Hmmmm, I'll have to think about it. Quickly, I hop out the shower as the hot water runs out. I towel myself off and put on my gown, walking out the bathroom. 

               "Adam?" I look around the room and he's nowhere to be found. I make my way to the closet and the linen is put back neatly. He must have left, why? I look over at my night stand and there is a note with his beautiful handwriting, it read-

               Dear Princess Annebelle Eliza Monroe,

              I'm sorry I left without saying goodbye, I know that was rude. So I took the time to write you a letter. Well, more of a note, but I'm sure it will turn into one. Like I said, I left. I put your linen back after I refolded it. I know you might be wondering why I left, and I'll tell you. We can't do this, we're getting to close to each other. Here's the thing, I like you, a lot. Hard to admit, but I've caught feelings for you. I'm not sure if you like me like that, and you're not supposed to. That is why we need to go our separate ways. I will resign from being your body guard and asked to be somewhere else. This hurts me, a lot, but it must be done. I can't jeopardize your reputation nor can I jeopardize mine. Again, I'm so sorry, but thank you for your kindness and generosity. We might not see each other like we usually do, but that's okay, your face will forever be in my mind. Be happy, and stay safe, and know I love you, in a strange way.

                                                                                   -Adam Parker, body guard and friend

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