Persian family and Queen's secret

Start from the beginning

"You seem like the real deal now prove to my father you can do the things they say." She told the girl

Britt panicked for no one could do what she could not even the girl they'd sent to take her place though no one knew the true Nile Princess was Queen of Egypt. She didn't care though for she would let her husband know the moment Syria would become a problem. As she watched the girl had tried and since Britt was watching she was trying to see if she could manipulate water but only small squirts of water happened for the girl.

"Maybe she's just tired and out of practice." The Syrian king said

Soon Atem came in the garden so Britt lost her concentration. Her attention went to her husband who greeted her with a kiss and she kissed him back.

"My King." She said

"My Queen you seemed stressed, maybe you should take a break and come with me. Mana can watch the children." Atem suggested

Britt wondered where that came from and soon she saw Mana enter. She knew she could trust Mana for Mana was just as care free as her children but was also aware what to do with the future Pharaoh and his sisters so she knew that she could trust her.

"Alright My king, lead the way." Britt suggested

Atem took her hand leading her away to the royal bathing chambers. Once inside he pushed her in the water which not only caught her off guard but made her question his intension on getting her in this room.

He normally does not push me into the something is on his mind or he's just trying to help me calm down with everything going on. Britt thought as she waited a few minutes before resurfacing.

Meanwhile Hathor was walking around in the palace to see her cousins. She came across Eris walking around seeming to be looking for someone so she pushed her against the wall.

"What is the meaning of this?" Eris asked

"Do us all a favor, stay away from Britt's husband. She is Queen of Egypt married to the Pharaoh. You do not need to make her uncomfortable in her own husbands palace." Hathor said

"I will do my best to behave." Eris said

Hathor for one didn't trust Eris for she didn't know their Persian family that much but she let Eris go. She looked at her in the eyes.

"I am the fire Princess, I hope you do know that you will be harmed by me if you cause her problems." Hathor said

"Understood cousin." Eris said

Zoey had been sent to watch the Persian family members so that she could report back to Britt what was going on. Zoey knew that her friend was a bit paranoid with already being wedded to the pharaoh of Egypt and three children but she kept a close eye just in case.

"I know that Britt means the best for her family. Truthfully no one knows the truth that our Queen will find time to sneak out and help the villagers." Zoey said softly

A little later Atem had returned after some time with his wife. He was listening and a certain rumor had finally got to the palace about a cloaked figure helping villagers in need. Atem was curious.

"What color Cloak was this person wearing? Could you tell if it was a man or a woman?" Atem asked

"The voice of the figure belonged to a woman and the cloak was grey Pharaoh." A villager said

This figure has a woman's voice and the cloak color is grey? I don't hear of many people with that...thieves choose to not hide. Royals who do not want spotted wear cloaks. I wonder... Atem thought but didn't finish his thoughts.

Around that time Britt was up in their bedroom as she was going through her things. She pulled out her cloak, her grey cloak and smiled at the thoughts. It was true that she was sneaking out of the safety of her own husbands palace to help villagers in need. She did it to make herself feel better and more worth being the Queen but also for more time with her husband.

The more people I help the more time I get with my husband. The less complaints the pharaoh gets so that he can have time for his Queen and his children. Britt thought

She tucked the cloak away for she didn't want to be spotted with the cloak especially with her Persian family still visiting.

I must stay in the palace at all times until their visit is over. Britt thought

It was hard for her to realize this but she knew that many things had to be done. Syria was still an issue that wasn't going to go away so easily and when the girl had to make another attempt she would not be there to help.

War will be coming someday...and I must find a solution. Britt thought to herself.

Nile Priness and the pharaoh of EgyptWhere stories live. Discover now