the visit to the palace

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Within the next year Britt had discovered her powers and they had become fully active. She could control the water to whatever she wanted it to do. She smiled as she now understood why they called her the Nile Princess. What scared her was the thought of marrying someone and they use her powers for something bad. She knew it could be bad but she didn't know that deep down inside her was her spirit Ka called Goddess of the Nile. So her powers were able to easily drain her energy for they were not at full strength.  

Bre had discovered her own powers but they were opposite of Britt's and one thing she was able to figure out without actually seeing it was since she was the Fire Dragon Princess, she though it meant she could probably control a dragon. She just didn't know what kind of Dragon.

These girls along with their sister worked to get better at the powers they had discovered. Aiden wished he was gifted like them. Little did he know he was but his power was more hidden then theirs was.

Every once in awhile Britt would feel sad and a tad guilty for what she did when she was thirteen. Now she was sixteen but she had been warned awhile back that if she reached the age of sixteen with no suitor then the leader of her royal family had already betrothed her to someone in the case of this happening. Though she never gave it a lot of thought cause she thought more of her powers.

One day her parents told her to get her Stallion ready that they were going for a visit to the  royal palace. Hearing about the palace her calm expression to one of anger as she didn't want to go there. But her parents insisted so her and her siblings dressed in their royal attire then mounted their horses and headed to the Palace.

It didn't take long before they arrived there and were greeted by Atem's father. Britt who trailed behind with her sister, Britt noticed Prince Atem was not there, it slightly bugged her some but she wouldn't let it be shown. After they got off their horses the Pharaoh looked at Britt "My apologies Princess Britt for my sons absence." He said. "It is ok" She said.

They let the guards take their horses and then the pharaoh let the servants show them to their rooms. The twins roomed together because they didn't want to be separated in the big palace. After that they adjusted things for them to be comfortable.

A little later Britt went out deciding to go for a walk. She went near a little stream but as she walked she almost lost her footing and fell in. Just before she fell in someone caught her and she was grateful someone caught her. "Thank- " She started to say but as she turned to look at who caught her she came in eye contact with Prince Atem.

<i>He caught me. Why does he always save me?</i> She thought.

Things were quiet between them and then a smirk came to Atems lips. "What are you going to do?" She asked. "Oh you will see." He said as he let her go letting her fall into the water. It was his payback for her slapping him three years ago.

When Britt fell in the water she noticed it was cold but the longer she let herself stay under it seemed to warm up. She didn't go up at first she just looked up at him through the water as her amulet was protecting her from drowning. She waited for her chance to come up and surprise him. Though Atem was aware she wore the Nile amulet but he had never seen her use her powers.

Atem waited and after a few minutes he seemed concerned that something had happened to her. Britt knew she could jump out at him but things were already not on the good side with them so she just came to the surface and climbed out. She coughed some as she did have some water go in her mouth when she first had entered. She looked up at him and he noticed her eyes were as blue as the Nile and her crystal she had on her head.  She got up and went back to her room to dry off.

<i>This is not over prince Atem.</i> She thought as she went inside to change in to dry clothes.

She made sure that her parents didn't see her while she was wet and as she entered the room she shared with her twin Bre was already inside. Bre looked to the door and seen Britt soaked "Britt what happened?" She asked her. Britt just walked over as she went somewhere for privacy and changed. Walking out she looked at Bre "Prince Atem, he let me fall into the water." She told her sister. This surprised Bre that Prince Atem would do such a thing to her twin.

Nile Priness and the pharaoh of EgyptWhere stories live. Discover now