being parents

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The first week of having their new prince was rough, Britt and Atem barely got any sleep when Rei would cry. They had figured out when he wanted held, fed or wrapped in a blanket. Some nights, they decided to have him sleep with them just so they could get some sleep. When morning came Atem was exhausted but he still got up to do his duty as Pharaoh. As he would get dressed he looked over at the bed where his Queen and son were asleep and smiled.

As he left the room, he went down to the throne room and listened to all the complaints and if he had to sign for something he did. He was at this for a few hours before he finally got up and went to check on his family. When he got close to the room he saw that Britt was coming out still holding their son.

"Good morning My Queen." He said to her

"Good morning, My king." She said

He looked down and saw that their son was still asleep. He carefully led her to the dining hall so that they both could eat and try not to wake their little Prince. Britt knew that they had to make sure he was taken care of while Atem took care of the country. As they made it to the room, he was going to hand Rei to Nanu and Ramses to watch but stopped when he saw that Rei's little hand had ahold of Britt's dress.

I can't pull him away from her without waking him. Atem thought

He pulled a seat out for her as she took a seat and then when they were brought their breakfast Britt found a way to eat while keeping hold of Rei. She wanted to make sure her son wasn't going to wake up and she enjoyed the time with her husband. Bre soon came in to find her sister but when she saw the baby in her arms she walked out and went to find Ceon. Seeing Rei in her sister's hand made her wonder about her own future.

After breakfast, they headed to walk around the palace and while they were walking Rei opened his eyes and looked around. He reached a little hand out to Atem who carefully took him from Britt and held him as they were heading to something very important.

"where are we going?" Britt asked as Atem adjusted his hold on son taking her hand.

"An important meeting. Normally the Queen isn't apart of the meeting but you know so much about the village I can't deny you access to this meeting." Atem told her

Britt smiled as they walked in and were greeted by the priests, Rei smiled though as they walked forward and took a seat at the table. Atem kept Britt by his side while keeping his son in his arms.They had a big conversation about the village what would be best to do in safety and about the ones who did not have money to buy food. The conversation seem to last a long time.

Within a matter of months, Atem and Britt were trying to get Rei to walk. Everytime Atem tried, Rei just looked at him, but Britt kneeled down by Atem.

"Come here Rei, Come to mommy." She said

Rei tried to stand on his feet and as he did he reached his hands out to her. Atem watched with her as Rei was taking his first steps, he was finally understanding what his father felt when he was a kid. Rei almost made it to them when he tripped and fell. He started to whine and tears formed in his eyes.

"It's ok Son, don't cry." Atem said

Rei got back up and reached his hands out again as he took a few more steps before he reached them. Atem and Britt both hugged him and smiled. In the entrance of the room, Atem's father had been watching them.

Rei hadn't said his first word yet but Atem and Britt knew it'd only be a matter of time. Britt picked up Rei as they stood up.

"that's our good little prince." Britt said

Atem looked over at his father and then he looked at Britt. She looked at him knowing what was on his mind, well she could only imagine right now.

"He's getting worse, You should spend time with him. If it was my father having the same problem, I would." She told him

Atem nod in agreement knowing Britt did have a point and left the room. She sat down with Rei and smiled.

"ok Rei, let's try that first word." Britt said

Rei just looked at her and she knew that it was worth a shot. She wasn't sure how long it'd be before he started talking.

Day turned to night, Britt went to meet up with Atem and she smiled when they found him. Atem hugged them as he kissed Britt and then kissed Rei's forehead. Britt kissed him back and she smiled, Rei laughed a little and he was happy.

"Time for bed." Atem said as he carefully took Rei from Britt.

"yes, tuck the little prince in." Britt said

"Not without you to sing him to sleep." Atem told her taking her hand as they went to Rei's room.

Britt laughed a little as they went to take Rei to his room, Atem put him in bed and then Britt softly sand a lullaby until Rei was asleep.

If Raising a son is starting to get easy then maybe someday we can think of having a sibling for him. Britt thought

The days passed and this became a routine, then one day when they were just looking over a few things and Rei was on Atem's lap looking around. Britt and Atem started to hear something and at first it was soft but they were trying to figure out where it was coming from.

"" Rei said

Atem and Britt looked at each other hearing that and then they looked at Rei. They realized that it was Rei's first word and they both were glad they were there to hear it.

"Our sons first word." Britt said

"Yes, we have seen him walk his first steps and now we have heard his first word." Atem said

Britt was about to say something when she heard a giggle. She knew it was Mana the moment she heard it and looked around. Mana was hiding in one of the jars in the room but she was still giggling. Atem smirked knowing Mana hadn't changed with her hiding spots and it was more common to figure out where she was but he ignored it like he never heard her.

"Too bad no one else heard it." Atem said to Britt hoping she'd catch on.

Britt nod "yeah, it's an important moment." She said

Mana popped out of the Jar and landed on her feet. "Hey I heard it!" Mana said

"We know!" Atem and Britt said as they all laughed and enjoyed the moment.

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