the plan and a strategy

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For Atem and Britt as Rei grew he was becoming more and more adventurous. It started out in the palace just finding places to hide that made Atem and Britt worried when he would be missing. It sometimes distracted Atem from his duties as Pharaoh, but when they found him they would have someone watch him. To help Atem get caught back up Britt would go with him to help ease some of the work knowing it wasn't easy for him to maintain being a father and being Pharaoh at the same time. Britt was helping him with some paperwork when she looked up at him when they were alone.

"Atem" She said

"Yes, My Queen?" He asked

"Not now but when Rei is three. I think we should think about..having another child." She said

He abruptly stopped what he was doing to look up from his paperwork as he looked at her. He could see in her eyes she was serious about the matter and he knew it would give their son someone to grow up with. A chance he never had since his mother passed away sometime ago.

"I think that's good idea." He told her

Britt smiled glad he agreed as they returned to doing their work.

In the time that was between right then and three years it had been a rough three years. Atem's father had passed away from the illness so Britt had been there to comfort Atem in the toughest time. There was a struggle for some time where she felt Atem was pulling away from her and the happiness they had was fading but she never gave up on trying to get him through it. Even if it meant she had to take over most of the work, she did just to give him the time he needed. The priests had noticed how hard she would work to make it easier on their Pharaoh in the darkest time of his life.

"My Queen this isn't what you're supposed to do." Isis said to her

Britt was working on the paperwork still and she didn't look up at Isis at all. "I don't mind doing this Isis. Our Pharaoh lost his father so he needs time. Anyone would in a time like this." She said

A year had passed since then and things seemed almost normal, Rei was always getting into trouble after he started walking and running. Britt had become accustomed to it and so did Atem so they never thought much when he would hide since someone would have to watch them. Rei though wondered off and found his way to the stables. He started thinking and found a horse just perfect for him as he got on it and grabbed the reigns. Though once he was on, he didn't know what he was going to do for neither of his parents had taught him how to ride a horse yet.

Britt stretched and got up as she went to the palace library to walk around. She wasn't sure how things were going to be but as she started to get calm she was surprised by someone coming up behind her and picking her up.

"Sorry Britt." Atem said

Britt looked at him and smiled "It's alright." She said

Atem was smiling but his smile soon turned into a smirk and Britt's left eye brow raised at first wondering what he was thinking. Her answer was soon realized as he took her out of the palace library and started heading to his room. On the way there she started having flashbacks about their first time and the night they broke a law.

A few hours passed and they were laying in his bed, she rested her head on his chest as she listened to his heartbeat. She felt like things were going to be fine for them at least for now. Though Britt felt something wet hit her cheek and she looked up seeing Atem was upset and realized that he must of started thinking of his father. She started humming a song at first to try and ease away the sadness as she touched his cheek. He looked at her and she softly sang to him, even though Atem was upset about his fathers passing. He was grateful for his father betrothing him to his Queen.

I can hear that beautiful voice of hers every time she sings. Atem thought

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