Problems arise

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Britt layed there after she comforted Atem and he kept her close. They were enjoying the silence that was between them knowing nothing needed to be said. They're time together was interrupted though when there was a knock on the door.

"yes?" Atem said as he kept Britt close to him still.

Britt noticed he never gave the person permission to come in and she smiled knowing that was how it should be. Atem waited to hear what was going on.

"I'm sorry for interrupting Pharaoh, but the Princess of Syria is here and wishes to speak to you on the matters of peace between Syria and Egypt." the male voice said

Britt recognized the voice as Shimons and she knew he would be the one to report anything to Atem. Atem sighed "very well, tell her I'll be there soon." He said

They heard Shimon walk away and he looked at Britt with a smirk. Britt looked at him and she wondered what he was thinking.

"I said I'd be there soon, I didn't say I would go right away." He whispered in Britt's ear.

Britt giggled, and Atem kissed her not long after and she kissed him back.

It was a hour and a half later that Atem headed to the throne room where the princess was waiting. He knew too well how Syrians thinked when they wanted peace though he would like to avoid any war if possible.

"Pharaoh, you must have been busy to make me wait so long." The Syrian princess said

"Yes, I was busy in a meeting when I was told of your arrival, now I've heard you've come to discuss peace." He said

"yes, we have discussed it a few times on how to keep the peace between Egypt and Syria. We've come to the decision on having one of your people marry one of ours." She said

He looked at her while taking in the information as he thought about it. Britt was near the throne room and she listened to some of what was being said.

"Who did you have in mind?" He asked

"We've heard rumors that there's a princess that is called the Nile Princess. We'd like her to marry someone of my father's choice." She said

The Nile Princess isn't the Nile Princess anymore. She's my wife! Atem thought but kept his cool.

Me?! Why would they choose me? I'm married already. Britt thought as she listened.

"Well I don't know who the nile princess is. Nor would I have any authority over her for she's a princess of another kingdom here in Egypt." Atem said plainly.

She saw the difference in his voice and though he was hiding something. She also started to feel like someone was watching them but when she looked back she saw no one. Britt hid against the wall out of eye sight knowing right now she had to deal with this.

I am and always will be the Nile Princess, even in marriage I am for I was chosen by the Nile Goddess herself. Atem, you know that and I know that but we have to keep it secret. Britt thought

in the hall, Bre and Ceon were walking when they saw Britt hiding and they went over and hid with her as they listened.

"Pharaoh, I'm sure you can get her to agree. After all you have your ways." She said

no way, I'd never marry out of Egypt ever! She better not be thinking of putting her sights on him. Britt thought

Nile Priness and the pharaoh of EgyptWhere stories live. Discover now