Pharaoh Ceremony

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When morning came they were still asleep. A guard knocked on Atems door to wake Atem not knowing Britt was in the room to. Atem heard the knock and he told the guard he'd be out soon knowing the guard was just making sure he wasn't late for the initiation of becoming Pharaoh. Laying there he waited until it was close to time then he lightly shook Britt to wake her up. When her eyes opened she looked at him

 "good morning, Pri-." Britt said 

"Pharaoh. Today is my initiation to take my fathers throne." Atem said 

 "what?" Britt said in shock. 

 She blushed knowing that he had said something about it the night before but she hadn't gave a lot of thought about it until now. Atem noticed her blush and he kissed her cheek in trying to make her feel more relaxed after what happened between them last night. 

 "come with me to the ceremony. You can watch and then you can do whatever you want around the palace. Though I may send someone with you to make sure Jake stays away." Atem said. 

 "hey he is one of my friends. I just tell him no." Britt said. 

 Atem was about to get up but Britt stopped him which made him look at her. She knew all this romantic stuff could happen when they are alone. So she leaned in and kissed him which he kissed her back. When she pulled away she smiled at him while she had an idea what he wanted to know.

 "When we plan the wedding. I want it to be private. Just the main people and not in the middle of the public." Britt said

"but it is expected for it to happen in the public so everyone may see their pharaoh's choice of a queen." Atem said to her. 

 "just think about it." Britt said

 After they got up they both got dressed each having their backs to the other. When Atem was finished he waited for Britt to say she was done and then he turned around. What he had expected to see was the dress from last night but looking at her he seen the dress she had on was the other dress she had picked up from her guest room. 

 They left his room and since they were heading to the same place. Atem offered Britt his arm which she gladly took as they walked to the throne room. But since they didn't know if her parents were also attending before they got to the throne room Britt let go of his arm knowing that she wasn't ready for their parents to know they were over fighting.

 As they walked in everyone was a little surprised to see them walk in side by side but no one knew the truth. They expected the two of them were still in a fight as the two had seemed to be in since Britt and her family first arrived. Her family all had noticed she wasn't under her grandfather's spell anymore which made them wonder how she lost the little item. 

 When the ceremony was about to begin her parents and siblings were leaving since it wasn't one they had to attend. Her mom wanted her to come but then Atem walked over. 

 "I'd like Britt to stay if you don't mind." Atem said to her mother.

 "oh well I'm sure she could. If she wants to." Her mom said.

 "yeah I'm fine with it." Britt said 

 Her mom then left leaving her with everyone who was getting everything finalized. Atem watched as his father and the others were doing the final touches.

 "So would you want to do what happened last night again?" He whispered to her as he stood behind her. She was too nervous to answer so she nod in saying yes.

 When it finally started Atem was still behind Britt which she was trying to figure out why. He looked down at her and she looked up at him knowing this was not normal. Soon he went over to where his father and the priests were as they had him sit on the throne. The ceremony was simple as he was announced to be the pharaoh. 

 After that was done two people walked in and they bowed in respect to Atem. Atem wonderd who they were and then one of the priests spoke to introduce the two who had come in. 

 "Pharaoh, this is Nanu and Ramses they will be working under your command as they are here to help keep you safe." Priest Seto said. 

 Seeing the two of them he looked at both Nanu and Ramses and then he looked up at Britt. An idea was forming in his mind. Britt noticed he was looking at her which made her realize he was forming a plan and then his words from earlier played in her mind on how he planned to have someone be around her when she was alone. After a few minutes Atem looked down at Nanu and Ramses again.

 Either one of them could be around Princess Britt. But she would probably feel more comfortable with Nanu guarding her than Ramses. Atem thought 

 "Nanu Rise." Atem said to her. 

 "yes Pharaoh." She said as she got up from her bowing position.

 "I want you to stay around Princess Britt. Protect her and keep her safe from...anyone who may try to interferer." Atem said 

 "yes Pharaoh." Nanu said.

 After that he had the end of discussion meaning they were allowed to leave. Britt was leaving on her own and when she looked back she seen that no one was looking so she looked back at Atem. Atem looked at her before she was out of view. The fact that they were planning to keep this secret made everything seem fun to them now. 

 So now it begins. We'll keep it secret until we're ready to tell them. But there may not be a lot of time before they expect us to make the arrangements. Atem thought

 Nanu followed Britt after she left since now she was to keep her safe. Britt knew nothing of who Nanu really was but she felt that in time she would come to know a lot about her. Things were normal for her for now and she just smiled. 

 When she came upon her friends they all surrounded her and she smiled now that she could be around them. Jake tried to get close to her but when he was almost too close Nanu got in the way. She wouldn't allow anyone to get too close to the pharaohs future queen. 

"who are you?" Jake asked 

 "My name is Nanu. I am in charge of keeping the Princess safe so don't get too close." Nanu said 

 "Oh sorry." Jake said 

 He would back off for now but he still had intentions to get close with Britt and interfere with things that were between her and the pharaoh. 

 If he thinks this will stop me. He's wrong. Jake thought

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