Chapter 21 pt. 2

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Britt was straining herself with all this power she hadn't used in weeks but she kept her deep breaths. She knew theories of the Priests for she never used her Ka or power around others, So some priests thought her Ka was probably mixed with her Ba. As her friends watched though it turned out that wasn't the case at all,Atem watched as he saw her having some difficulties.

I can do this..I can do this just concentrate. Britt thought

You're pushing yourself too much Britt. Atem thought

"By the power of the Goddess, I command you pets to defend." Britt said yelling

The Goddess's pets all went around Britt to defend her and Britt was trying her best to hold it together so she wouldn't let it show how she was feeling. Zoey wasn't fooled seeing that even with all of them there Britt was having slight difficulties with holding her power. After a few minutes Britt was about to use her power to command them again when she fell backwards, the Goddess and the Goddess's pets all disappeared. Zoey was quick to move to catch her best friend, Atem saw this and ran in to his wife seeing she over did it.

"Is she ok?" He asked

"She's fine, she just over did it because she wants to get her gift to be as strong as it used to be." Zoey said

Atem looked at Britt who was unconscious then he carefully took her from Zoey, then he left with her. Her friends worried for her but they knew he was aware of her gift so they had a feeling where he was taking her. Atem took Britt to the garden area, following behind him was Rei. Once in the Garden he took some water from the pond and splashed a little on his wife's face. Rei came over by them waiting to see what would happen, as both watched there was a blue glow on Britt's face where the water touched her face. Soon her eyes opened, she felt better slightly and when she saw Atem with Rei she smiled at both of them.

"Hey." she said

"Mama!" Rei said and hugged her

Britt hugged him back "I'm ok My son." She said then

"Are you sure, My Queen?" Atem asked

Britt nod, carefully sitting up so she wasn't laying down with Rei hugging her. She looked at her husbands concerned face and lifted her hand to touch the side of his face to show him she was fine. She smiled though knowing he was probably watching her while she trained. Soon though there was a servant who walked in and bowed to them.

"My Apologies your Majesties but there was a letter that arrived today." The servant said

"Who is it from?" Atem asked

"The Persian Royal family, My Pharaoh." The servant said

Britt's eyes widened knowing not many people knew she was related to the Persian royal family because her dad was half Persian. She didn't want to speak up but then Atem noticed her uneasiness and took her hand.

"what's wrong my Queen?" He asked

"My father is related to the Persian royal family." Britt said

Atem was surprised by this news, but he figured there was things about Britt he would learn. She didn't seem to want to talk about her family that often and he respected that. He pulled her close which caused her to smile. Atem then took the letter from the servant and opened it as both of them looked at it. Atem wasn't fluent in reading Persian writing but he saw Britt seemed to understand it.

"What does it say love?" He asked

"It says they wish to speak with you. They've heard of our Marriage and since they were not invited to the wedding they wish to come visit." Britt said

I hope this isn't going to cause trouble. Britt thought

Atem noticed her uneasiness was still there then he helped her up taking her to their room. Half way there though she pulled away refusing to go into their room.

"No, I've been in there for weeks." She said

"then we'll figure out other ways for you to relax." Atem said

what could he do to get me to relax? Britt thought

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