Persian family and Queen's secret

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Britt had finally relaxed fully now that Eris was out of her view, she didn't hate her cousin she just didn't like her cousin's flirtatious ways. Especially infront of her own children she wouldn't stand aside letting Rei, Kamari and Keda see such behavior.

she'll learn not to cross me in my own husbands home. Britt thought

Meanwhile Eris was with Darius getting their things unpacked for their stay with their cousin. Darius hadn't said a word to his sister for her behavior at their cousin's reaction. He knew his sister was out of line when it came to family. It didn't mean he hated his cousin or his sister, he just stayed out of family affairs.

"So she's Queen of this whole Palace and she's not even gonna come talk to us except send us away with her ladies in waiting. " Eris said

"Don't start fights Eris. Brittania is doing everything she can to be a role model to her daughters the princesses." Darius said

"She didn't even introduce her children." Eris reminded him

"She will give her time." Darius assured his sister

Eris wasn't one for giving someone their time like they needed but her brother was determined to make sure that she did just that.

Britt had taken her children to the garden and they started to run around. She had changed into her Egyptian Queen outfit to make herself feel comfortable. She knew that Atem was not interested in her cousin Eris but that didn't mean Eris wasn't watching her husband.

Someway somehow that has to not be good. I have to find a way to keep an eye on her during their visit. I love my Persian family but I love my husband and children more. Britt thought

Atem was in the throne room taking care of things like usual so that he could keep everything in order. He had seen that his wife was not comfortable with her families visit and he could understand why. He didn't care though about the cousin that had his wife on edge. Kamari had snuck out of the garden and snuck up on her father as she crawled up beside him on the desk and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Daddy" Kamari said

Atem laughed "My Mari, what are you doing? I believe you were with your mother in the garden." Atem said

"Mama stressed." Kamari answered

"I know Mari." Atem said

It was true, Britt's stress was very noticeable to him and he knew until the cousins were not around then her stress would probably not stop. He knew though if he could get her into the water it may have been able to calm her down.

After all the Nile Princess seems to relax with water...strange that even though she is my Queen I still refer her as she once was. Atem thought

My precious son is the future of this kingdom. My Rei...yet I fear the worst is to come someday. I hate to think of what life would be like for my children without me. Britt thought but shook those thoughts away.

Britt was watching Rei and Keda run around in the gardens while she was sitting there watching them. She knew that her son would protect his sisters no matter what but she remembered the threat in Syria.

They ever figure out the truth we're in big trouble. Britt thought

She went and walked over to the water as she figured it was time to take a look at their enemy territory as she walked over to the water placing her hand in the water.

"By the powers of Anuket please Show me the Syrian Princess and the fake Nile Princess." Britt said

The water went into water ripples and an image appeared before her. The Syrian Princess she had been listening to was talking with the fake Nile Princess they had sent and was examining her.

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