Visting Persia

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Anzu didn't seem to know how to respond to Britt's words. To hear that the Pharaoh and Queen who was the Nile Princess had the Persian court on their side. She seemed hesitant knowing that maybe her fathers army could get past an Egyptian army but the Persian army working along side them was another thing.

"Y-You're lying." Anzu said

"Am I?" Britt asked

"Yes, you are." Anzu said

"I'll let you in on a little secret, these people next to me are my family from Persia." Britt said with a slight smile "All it would take is you call for war and they return home. My grandfather would gladly assist me and my husband in fighting Syria."

Britts words caught her off guard while her father was half Egyptian and half Persian, Britt was more considered a quarter Persian and mostly Egyptian. Her husband loved her regardless and the Goddess had chosen to bless her with the gifts of the Nile. She waited but Anzu looked between them angry at them for being deceitful and still having the upper hand.

"This is not over, Mark my words we'll find a way." Anzu said

"Well maybe we can find another arrangement for peace." Atem said

"No." Anzu said

They watched as she left before they could say anything else, Britt had a bad feeling that there would be a war. She questioned if it would be worth the lives of the people in the war. Atem noticed her look and he put an arm around her to try to comfort her worried thoughts.

"War is always going to be something we can't avoid." Atem said
"But at what cost is it too much?" Britt asked
"The people adore their Queen. Many of the men admire you but they know at the end of the day you are mine." Atem said

Britt knew her husband could be a tad territorial with her but she adored him so much. She nod as they chose to take care of some preparations together. Eris and Darius walked over with some gifts.

"What are those?" Britt asked

"Gifts, and grandfather wishes to see his granddaughter soon." Darius said

"He never did see you and he's been wishing to look upon his son's children. He heard of your marriage and we post poned what we could but..well." Eris said as she motioned "come outside."

Atem looked at Britt seeing she was hesitant but he put his arm around her securely as they went outside. When Britt walked out there with Atem she noticed a few guards blocking the gate. Atem walked over and had them separate and let the people in. When the door opens they saw Persian guards with gifts.

"No no no no, this is too much." Britt said

"These are gifts to make up for your birthdays and to honor your marriage." Darius said

"Ho thoughtful." Atem said

Britt was never one to be spoiled and she wasn't going to start now, still how could she deny the gifts entirely from a grandfather she never had met. She knew that her father never spoke much of his family but then her whole birth was kept secret with being the Nile Princess.

"We can make some time to visit Persia, I would like to make good alliances and they are your family." Atem said
"I suppose." Britt said

"I have some advisors who can take over." Atem said

Britt nod

After the gifts were accepted Eris and Darius stayed for a few more days to let them prepare. Atem had a meeting with the court about going out of Egypt with his family while some argued it was a bad idea others thought it would benefit the kingdom.

Nile Priness and the pharaoh of EgyptWhere stories live. Discover now