Chapter 18

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I slowly turn around to face bed. I couldn't help but smile at the thought of me being Austin's girlfriend. Who knew that the asshole from school actually made me change my opinion of him. I look down at my half hearted necklace and observe its beautiful golden features. I slighty give it a kiss before going to bed with a smile on my face. It was all because of Austin.

I woke up with the sun hitting my face making my room bright which was telling me it will be a beautiful day. I got up from my bed stretching every part of my body to get the day starting. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. When I was done I went downstairs for some breakfast. As I was heading to the kitchen I noticed my mom is here, I guess she's going to have a night shift today.

"Good Morning, Sweetie" My mom said.

"Morning Mom what's for breakfast?" I asked in curiosity and hunger.

"Well, today I made an egg omelette with bacon and orange juice" she replied.
Yummy, looks like this day is going to go great! While eating my breakfast the only thing I could think about was what happened with Austin last night.

"Hows your boyfriend?" She said it trying to remember his name. I let out a small laugh at her reaction.

"Austin mom..Austin is great in fact we are both going out today" I responded.

"That's great hun.. It's really amusing seeing you smile like that" She let out. I haven't smiled much since my dad's incident. I know if he was here he would've liked Austin as much as mom and I do or even more. I miss him so much.

"Thinking about your dad aren't you?" My mom said putting a weak smile. It's still hard moving on from it because I would not get over the fact that he's gone. I give her a half smile.

"Mom do you regret things from the past?" I asked her curiously. She thought for a bit and then smiled.

"As much as I wish some things wouldn't happen, I don't regret them they make us stronger, now go get ready for your day with Austin" She said.
I nodded and went upstairs to the bathroom to shower. I turned on the water and tested the temperature, not too hot, not too cold...Perfect. I got undressed and stepped into the shower. the hot steamy water hitting my body as i washed the soap away.

As I stepped out I got my towel to dry myself. I started to mumble some songs out. I decided to wear a floral blue crop top and dark washed skinny Jeans with some nude flats. I actually liked my outfit not too clingy not too simple just me. I don't put makeup I like my natural look just the way it is but it wouldn't hurt to put a little bit of lip balm would it? No. I applied a little bit of lip balm. Mmmm Cherry flavor. I let my hair fall in natural curls. I looked in my mirror for approval and smiled at my look. When I checked my phone I already had a message from Austin.

"I'm downstairs with your mom, come down when you're ready beautiful :) Xx"

I went downstairs finding my mom and Austin laughing. If only I knew why they were laughing, what if my mom told him something embarrassing? She probably did or maybe Austin just told her a joke, yeah that's it let's go with that.

"What are you two laughing about" I asked. They both exchange looks like they didn't want to tell me.

"Nothing" they both said at the exact time. I saw my mom hiding something it seemed like a picture. I went over and took it away from her it revealed a baby me. I was covered in food and I was half naked. I blushed in embarrassment.

"Mom this is not cute" I said.

"Yes it is babe its adorable."

my cheeks blushed a bright pink

"you ready to go?" Austin asked. I nodded and took my keys and purse.

"Go have fun kids and be back by 10 I'll give you an extra hour today but don't take advantage of it" oh my mom, shes so funny, im not like those girls austin had before

"Thanks mom I won't bye" I said heading out the door. Austin stood there opening the door for me as I got in the range rover, what a gentlemen. He jogged over to the drivers side. I wonder where are we going today.

"Where we going today?" I asked. He gave me a mysterious look "I can't tell you that" He replied. Why can't he tell me? Are we going to a place I know of? Is it far or close? The curiosity got the best of me questions kept bulding up in my head.

"Is is far or close give me a hint" I said. He gave me a cute grin that melts my heart.

"No can do beautiful" he smirked. I gave him a glare, Why can't he tell me, this is why suprises always have me wondering, I can't handle the fact that he doesn't want to tell me. He knows the curiosity is killing me because he keeps trying to hold back his laughs. He turned on the radio and 'Baby I By Ariana Grande' started to play. I love her she's so beautiful and unique. I heard Austin singing the song, it kinda made me laugh I never really heard a guy singing a girl song.

"What are you laughing about Missy?" Austin asked. I smirked at him not giving him the satisfaction of him not telling where are we going.

"I can't tell you that" I said. He let out a breathy laugh. I looked out the window noticing the outside features, I don't recognize the path.

"Where are we going?" I asked for about the 29th time....ok not really but it feels like it.

"It's a suprise Michaela so just sit there and be pretty while I take you to the place" He said.

i decide to drop the subject and just sit there with my thoughts. I wonder if ever had suprises for Harley?, did they have any other hobbies besides having sex? I bet they didn't, I would ask Austin but I know if I did this whole day would be ruined by me asking questions of his personal life. But since I'm his girlfriend aren't I supposed to know these things? but then again ive only been his girlfriend for a less than a day, okay maybe im getting ahead of myself, ill just wait until he decides to tell me these things.

It felt like this drive was taking 10 times longer than it really was. i knew he wasn't taking me to the lake because i would have recognized the roads by now.UGH! i hate surprises, why cant he just tell me?

"so you're really not telling me where were going?"

he didnt look at me, he just looked straight ahead looking a bit annoyed that i kept asking the same question over and over.

"MICHAELA I SAID NO AND THATS FINAL!" he snapped angrily

whoa! where did that attitude come from? he looked so happy a while ago and now he looks annoyed, mad even.

"MAN!! CHILL THE FUCK OUT AUSTIN!" i reply failing to keep the sarcasm out of my voice

he purses his lips into a thin line and tences his jaw.

i roll my eyes at him and just decide to look out the window ignoring him.

the scenery is beautiful, the streets are filled with tall beautiful palm trees that are greener than the grass, gorgeous rose bushes on every street and lots of pretty houses.

"i'm sorry" i heard austin whisper

i turn to face him confused "what did you just say?" i ask teasingly

he raises his tone a little "i said im sorry."

i laughed "i know, i just wanted to hear you say it again."

austin smiles and shakes his head "wow, you really are something else michaela?"

i smile "you're not such a price yourself mahone."

we both laugh. He continues driving into a parking lot, trying to find a spot. there's finally an open spot after searching for about 5 minutes and he takes it. he neatly parks the car and takes the keys out of the ignition.

"We're here!" he announces with a smile

TAKEN (Austin Mahone Fanfiction) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now