Chapter 17

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i lay in my bed for what seemed to be hours, but in reality was just a few minutes. i kept tossing and turning trying to find my comfort spot but my bed was just not cooperating. i glanced over at my alarm clock, 9:15 pm, wow its still early, maybe i should do something to get my mind off everything that had just happened. actually, now that i think about it, i dont think i could get my mind off this, how dare austin tell me that he only wanted me for sex, how disgusting of him, although i was the one who asked. he also didnt hesistate to tell me the truth, oh god, why am i so confused. Why cant i have my dad with me, he would tell me what to do about this. my brain was overwhelmed with different thoughts and emotions, i literally felt like my head was gonna explode.
i started thinking about the photo booth and the lake, and his words that he told me when we were at the lake kept replaying through my head
'its a special place, close to my heart, so i figured why not bring a special girl?'
was he lying about that, he seemed quite sincere but frankly at this point i didnt know what to think about austin.

i was lost in my thoughts when i suddenly heard a light knock on my window, i ignored it at first but then there it was again, this time it was louder, oh damn! i hope a burglar isnt trying to get in my house, im all alone, the knocking got louder by the second, my heart was in my mouth. i stood up from my bed trying to make the least noise as possible. i walked over to my closet and got a baseball bat, thank god i decided to join softball last year. i approached the window, careful with every step i took. i was in front of the window, i reached my hand to open the curtain, i couldnt see anything, i moved closer and unlocked my window. seriously? if i was in some sort of horror movie, i would die first, curiosity always gets the best of me.
i opened the window, making sure i had my bat in handy, i look out and i see a tall figure standing by my window, i couldnt help but scream.

"oh fuck!" i heard the person curse
"michaela, dont be scared its me, austin!"

my face filled with fear but at the same time relief that it wasnt any sort of criminal

"you know, you could break a glass with those lungs." austin joked as he rubbed his ears trying to recover his full hearing.

"austin." i whispered "what the hell are you doing here?!" i thought he had gone home

"michaela, i came to clear some things, i dont want you to be mad and i surely dont want you having the wrong opinion about me."

i gave him a confused look "why should i listen to whatever you have to say."

"because i care about you michaela, and i dont want us to be like this."

hmmm what do i think? does he really care? i dont wanna fall for his charm but at the same time he looks so helpless and desperate.

"how do i know you're not lying?" i cross my hands

"if i didnt care, i wouldnt be here, outside your window, at night, fully aware that harley's brothers could be spying on me, asking you to let me talk to you."

i looked at him quizzicly "point well made have 10 minutes!"

a hint of a smile curved upon his lips "thank you." he stepped in the window and into my bedroom.

"WHOA! YOU HAD A BAT!" he says in exasperation

"i didnt know it was you! what if it was a burglar, or a rapist!" i say as i put my bat to the side

"well, hopefully youre not gonna need that."

"yeah" i joke "hopefully"

wait! what am i doing? im mad at him! i shouldnt be joking around with him, as a matter of fact, im furious! but how does he always manage to make me forget...maybe its his nice warm smile, or his lustful eyes, or his perfect hair..'SNAP OUT OF IT MICHAELA! YOU ARE MAD AT HIM' i say to myself subconsciously snapping away from my thoughts.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!" my mood changes drastically

"dont be mad at me, i dont like it." he whispers

i snap at him "'re asking me to not be mad at you after you confess that for starters you only wanted me for sex, well im sorry but last time i checked, thats not something i should be thrilled about!"

"i know, but its not like that with you anymore!" he says slightly raising his tone

"OH ANYMORE! so now you're saying im not good enough for you!?"

"no thats not what im trying to say."


"michaela" he approaches me but i take a step back, he just stops and sighs. "i admit that at first i did want you for only sex-"

i laugh in a disgusted way interrupting what he has to say

"BUT! the day you told me about your dad, i realized how much of a similar past we share, i also realized what a sweet and honest girl you were, let alone beautiful."

i rolled my eyes at him

"i dont know, after that, i saw you differently, and the day you stood up to harley and you kissed me" he stepped closer until he was face to face with me, lifting my chin with his index finger "michaela, that was the best kiss ive ever gotten in my life."

"corny much?" i joke

"as corny as it sounds its true. michaela, never in my life had i EVER begged a girl, usually if she got mad and stormed off then it was just on to the next one, but with you its different, when you left home walking in the dark, i was afraid something might happen to you, and if something did i would not be able to live with myself. im not asking you to give me another chance, im just asking that you believe me because ive bever been so honest in my life. i swear to you, on the most sacred thing i have that all im saying is the truth and only the truth."

i looked at him blown away by what he had just told me. wow! i dont know why but i can sense the the truth in his words, i actually believe everything hes telling me. he looks at me, never taking his lustful hazel eyes off mine. i tiptoe up and give him a gentle kiss on the lips.

he smiles at me "so does that mean im forgiven?"

he looks so anxious and childish, hes so cute sometimes

i decide to joke a little more "maybe you are, maybe you arent?"

he looks at me anxiously "please." he pouts a cute puppy dog face. aww how could i possible say no to that.

"fine, you are forgiven mahone." i smile

he smiles and kisses my forehead "thank you" he whispers

"well, i should get going."

i look up at him, no. i dont want him to go, but then again, how bad would it look if he stayed longer, in my bedroom, at night, while im alone. yeah i see now why people would get bad ideas.

"okay austin." i whisper with a hint of dissapointment

"but before i go, i have something for you."

my heart was beating 10 times faster. oh god! i wonder what it is

"what is it?"

"close your eyes."

i do as im told and close my eyes making sure not to look

"no peeking." austin jokes

"im not peeking!"

"good." he laughs

im so anxious now, what could he possible have for me. i suddenly feel a cold metal object going around my neck followed by the feeling of his warm hands caressing my neck, then i hear a little clipping noise.

"open your eyes." he says with excitement

i open my eyes and look down and i am in shock, its a necklace, it looks like its gold, holy hell, this must have cost him a ton. i hold the attachment to the necklace, its half of a heart.
i look over at him and he pulls up his necklace which has the other half.

"whats this for?" i ask with a smile

"i never asked you if you wanted to be my girlfriend."

"oh austin i-"
he interrupts me "michaela, would you be my girlfriend?"

i suddenly get a huge grin on my face, im lost for words, i feel like i cant speak so i just nod.

austin smiles and pulls me in for a hug. wow! this day went from good to bad to good all over again. this is definately gonna be a day for my diary

we pull away and i look down at my necklace "austin, these must have cost a ton."

"dont worry about it, i have enough money to last a lifetime and besides, you're worth it baby."

he leans closer and gives me kiss on the cheek. i cant help but blush

"well, i should really be going now, ill pick you up tommorow and we can hang out. yeah?"

i nod in agreement.

he walks to the open window and steps out "whoa! austin! you do realize we have a door right?"

he laughs "i know, but its more romantic this way."

i step to my window as i watch him climb down. when he finally reaches the ground he looks up at me and blows a kiss at me. i jokingly pretend to catch it and put it on my cheek. he smiles.

"ill see you tommorow." he yells

i nod and with that he steps into his red range rover and drives off.

TAKEN (Austin Mahone Fanfiction) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora