"Come on with your weird ass you ready?" he said chuckling. I grabbed my keys and we went to his car. I saw his daughter was already in the car. I was nervous because if she hates me it's over with I know it. "Amiyah this is daddy special friend Kenyamo say hello" Monty said looking back at her. She looked timid and nervous to speak.

I just decided to speak first just to break the ice. "Hey Amiyah I'm Kenyamo I like your outfit your so pretty" I said looking back at her. She smiled and I did too. "I like your bracelets" she said and I put them in front of her. "Which one you like the most?" I asked her and she picked the pink,blue and white one with a bunny logo on it.

Shit that was mines too but it went better with her outfit more. I took it off and gave it to her. She started smiling so hard it was adorable. "Thank you Ken" she said hugging me and I hugged her back. She sat in her seat and I helped strap her in. I turned back around and Monty was just looking at me. "You trying to buy my child" he said smiling and laughing. He started up the car and pulling out.

"Buying no buttering her up so she'll like me most definitely" I said as he started driving the car. I had zero idea where was going but I hope we had fun. Monty better not try no funny shit that I won't be able to do. We was listening to the radio and it was lit. They played my old jams I had on my mp3 player in middle school.

I had flashbacks and I was taken out by Monty turning off the car. I guess I didn't notice us pulling up until just now. "Where are we?" I asked and they both laughed at my oblivious ass. I didn't find shit funny but I guess so. "At sky zone Ken come on it's fun" Amiyah said hanging onto me from the backseat.

I side eyed her like she was crazy and I agreed and got out the car. The things I'll do for this man. We walked in and I saw a bunch of little kids running around with older looking kids. It's basically a freaking place where kids bounce everywhere. I seen pits and trampolines this should be fun and exhausting.

I had zero experience doing this in my life. The lady gave us socks to wear around the facility. We went to our lockers to put our shoes up while we were playing. When we got done we went straight for the trampolines. Amiyah ran straight out and was bouncing all over the damn place. "Umm babe is this safe?" I asked holding Montys hand.

"She'll be fine babe she's been here alot" he said about to walk onto the trampoline. I held him back and said "I wasn't talking about for her". This shit looked like if I moved I would break my neck. I was scared as hell honestly I don't bounce on stuff. Well only boys and my bed but this is different somehow.

He laughed and coached me into it. After awhile I was going crazy in here. I was like a monkey and I was enjoying myself. It was fun as hell and Amiyah was doing flips. Monty was jumping with me and everytime he was close enough he would touch my ass. We went to the pit area and I jumped in backwards to be kind of different.

Monty did a flip in the pit and landed almost on top of me. We was lit as hell.in this place. I can't believe I didn't know about it. A few hours went by and Amiyah was getting hungry and I was too. It was 5 and I haven't eaten yet so I had a problem. We left and went to Buffalo Wild Wings to eat. I could use some buffalo wings and cheese sticks right about now honestly.

We drove to the nearest one and it wasn't that far. We pulled up and got out. Amiyah was holding my hand and then grabbed Montys hand. It was so cute all I could do was smile. This little girl already stole my heart. She's so damn adorable it's sickening. We went in and was seated quickly because the place wasn't that full.

We sat down and looked over the menu. The waiter came and took our drink orders and we kept looking over the menu. I wanted some buffalo wings my cheese sticks but these onion rings was looking good but I'll stick to what I wanted. The waiter came back with our sprites and asked us what we wanted.

I ordered my food and Monty greedy ass ordered almost half the menu and he was going to share with Amiyah. He watched the game on the TV while Amiyah looked bored. I started playing Angry Birds and she came and sat next to me. She watched me play and I let her play some too. I can tell.she likes me so I'm in the clear with her.

The waiter came back with our food and sat it in front of us. We said a prayer and then we started eating our food. After we got done eating I split the bill.with Monty against his wishes but I wanted to. "Let's go gang" Monty said after the waiter gave us our take out containers and took the bill money.

We packed up and got our stuffed asses up. We walked out and Amiyah held onto my shirt while we was walking. We went to the car and it was pretty dark outside so I was just going to go to their house to spend the night. We had a pretty long drive and I fell asleep. I was awaken by shaking from Monty.

"Wake up baby y'all fell asleep on me so come on" he said and I looked back to see Amiyah gone. "Where she go?" I said looking around. He told me he took her inside and he came back out for me because I wouldn't get up. I stretched and got out the car.

I stood there as he locked the car and wrapped his arm around me as we walked into the house. "Thanks for inviting me today bae" I said as we went into the house. " No problem baby" he said as he locked up and we went to his room. I got undressed and laid in his bed. All I had on was my boxer briefs. I got under the sheets and he got in the bed with me.

He had on boxers and nothing else. He came in between my legs and kissed me. "Monty you really wanna do this?" I asked looking at him. He kissed me and kissed me along my jawline to my neck. "Naw I just want to kiss you right now" he said continuing his kissing assault. I wasn't about to give it up after a full blown meal.

I refuse to become picasso and paint him during sex that won't happen I'll be damned. "Stop it your daughter is in the other room" I said as his hands was about to go in my underwear. He bit lightly on my inner thigh and I moaned out. "Stop Monty" I said but my body was saying something different.

He started to take off my underwear and Amiyah came knocking on the door. "Daddy can I sleep with you and Ken?" she said opening the door. He got off me and said yeah she could. She ran into the bed with us and we got comfortable. She snuggled up to me and I was fast asleep in no time.

The Next Morning.....

I woke up with Monty waking up Amiyah and she woke me up right along with her. I looked at Monty face and he looked upset about something. "What's going on Monty is everything okay? I asked waking up fully now. He got Amiyah out the bed and walked out the room. I just sat there for a little while and then I heard crying. She ran back in the room and hugged me.

"What's wrong?" I asked and she was crying saying her mommy died. "Monty what is she talking about?" I said looking at him in the doorway. I was consoling Amiyah right now but he needed some too. He sat next to us and I hugged him while hugging her. "She's really gone what am I going to do my child won't have her mother" he said into my ear. I sighed and kissed his forehead.

"I'll be here for you bae I promise you that" I said to him. I don't know what else to do but just help them out. I know what Amiyah going through so I sympathize with her right now. I'll just have to be there for them two since I'm going to be in their life for a long time. I wonder what happened to her I wish I really had a chance to talk to her before she died. She was actually pretty as hell damn.


Well you guys two more chapters left! 😖😧

Yall ready for this to end?

My next book will come end of August kind of early September.!

I love your support you guys! 💋😊😘😘

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