Chapter 9

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Luna's POV

She skimmed me in the head, on the left side of my face on the temple. She didn't technically hit me, but she did hit the target.

Violet screamed.


I stand there shocked. How does she talk so fast?

Ash, walks over to me and lightly brushes his hand over where I got hit. I wince, He pulls his hand back, but instead he takes my hand.

"I'm going to take her to the infirmary." He says to Peter.

I see something flash in Peter's eyes, Worry? Sadness? Anger? But I can't tell cuz its gone as soon as it came.

"I'll go with you." Peter says. "Everyone do whatever you want for the rest of the day." And like that everyone leaves.

Ash, Peter and, I are all walking in the infirmary, when Tris Is walking down the hallway by herself.

Peter rushes over, But not before getting backhanded by Tris

"How dare you." Tris, sounds deadly.

"What did I do?" Peter asks holding his face.

"You stabbed me!" Tris practically yells.

"I did no such thing!" Peter yells back.

They start fighting, so Ash and I go into a room so I can get fixed up

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Tris' POV

After my fight with Peter I figured out that, he didn't stab me. He explained to me what happened but then Tobias woke up and made Peter leave me alone.

So now I watch the initiates kick and hit punching bags, with Peter beside me.

I look down at my clothes that consist of, Black tank top, and skinny jeans that fit snug on my hips… Or what little hips I have. Oh but we can't forget the bandages wrapped around me can we?

It starts from my left shoulder and goes down, wrapping under my other arm and going all the way down to my hips.

I hate this.

Tobias wont let me do very much now. He almost made me quit training but I somehow convinced him to let me keep going.

Over lunch Peter filled me in on what happened yesterday, and then somehow our conversation turned into how Luna has an accent and I swear i've never laughed so hard in my life.

Peter isn't as bad as he was in initiation. I told him about how I thought he killed Will, but he somehow made my understand he didn't do it. Same with the Chasm and trying to kill me. He did sound drunk.

So now, in a way I guess we are friends.

Luna and Ash are the ones at the top, Luna being at first, Ash at second. I think they are dating now, but I can't tell for sure. That's good for them. They are a cute couple.

Then I hear a loud bang.

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