Chapter 6

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Peter's POV

Tris and I, walk down the pathway to the the dining hall, with the initiates slowly following us.




I want to scream at them and tell them to hurry up, but then Tris will scowl and get angry at me.

I've loved her since the day I saw her. There I said it.


I don't need her angry at me. I've been trying to get to her for 2 years. I guess beating her up and hurting her in out initiation wasn't a very good way of trying to get her to date me, but I had to. If I wanted any chance in getting to stay. I feel horrible now. I think she still might be angry at me for the whole 'almost killing' her thing. I was drunk and I had no idea what was going on. Drew was telling me what to do the whole time.

Tris already explained everything to them, while I stared at her and nodding every once and awhile.

We walk in the dining hall and all the dauntless start cheering again. God I loved that when I first got here. The same reaction is on the initiates faces. Pure happiness and shock at how amazing this place is.

Everyone gets their food and sits down. Tris sits with the girls, smiling at them. God her smile is so perfect.

I sit with the boys. and they mostly talk about how this place will be easy and how hot all the girls are… most of them talk about how hot Tris is.

I frown and eat my cake.

Tris' POV

All the girls talk about are the cute boys here. Pandora and Foster have a crush on Uriah. Luna is totally eyeing Ash, Violet and Luna seem to also be good friends surprisingly, since both their old factions hate each other. Kayley has this INSANE crush on Chase, which I can't see why. And Holiday has this crush on a Dauntless member named Burnett, He's like 19.

Tobias walks in and sits with Zeke and his friends. He looks at me and smiles, so I smile back. But my smile fades when i see Violet staring at him with love sick eyes.

Oh no.

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