The Introduction

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OK, this is a Story that inspired by the Popular CreepyPasta: Smile Dog (or Smile.jpg)
It's an Original story based of The Smile Dog story into a some kinda Mystery horror. It has own characters and gruesome Murderer, etc. So let me introduce the characters:

Charlotte: The main protagonist, she is also the lead of the crew. Born only with her Father, because her mother is dead. She is sometimes being a quiet girl in her normal daily lives, but easily excited on many situation

Suko: Charlotte's best friends, he always go along with her. He likes Video games and internet, also likes playing a music. He is weird and sometimes can be annoying

Hade: one of the Charlotte's best friend. He is the smartest person around these friendship. He is the smartest in the group, also the most cowardly

Jessie: Also apart of the Friendship, she likes to talk and help her friends, also likes some novels. She is really into girly stuffs and have a crush with Dave

Dave: Again, apart of the friendship (so many of them) he is the most coolest guy, and likes music and $wag. he always being actin' cool and a bit bossy

Dan: a person that close to Charlotte and likes so many Jokes, but sadly he is Bullied every times, but luckily Charlotte and her friends always cheer him up. he is also a depressed person. he is really lonely and sad person

Smile Dog: ...
You know him/it right?

Din: one of the prettiest girl on the college, she likes Horror and puns. Everybody have a crush on her. She is quiet close to the Charlotte's friendship. She is crazy of Horror and capable to broke the 4th wall...

Bert Nasi: a close friends with Charlotte, Suko, and Hade. He likes to tell a funny joke, and... He is not that smart, but quiet an interesting friend

Jester/Rey: an entertainer best known of Charlotte's Friendship. he also know a lot of Myth and Legends that hugely inspired his friends. he is often getting trouble for helping them out

Mr. Jobless: A famous Novel Writer. friends with Jester/Rey.

Mysterious Person: Arcanum est, semper in hac historia momentum. Est quoque notus ut a serial interfectorem sicut quidam nituntur ascendere in eo loco maxime

Mike: The Nerd and Hacker, close friends for Charlotte's Friendship

Lily: One of the Charlotte's Friendship, she is the secondary smartest person. She likes History and Learning, and care about her Friends. She is a religious person and really protective and care about people.

Ana: Also a Smart Person, she is a close Friend with Hade

SwagMaster: A Dumb person

Soo... Yeah!, that's all the Main Character of the Story!, see you at the First Chapter! ;)
What?, never heard the story?, then Read it! Duh!

UPDATE: I read the Smile Dog story again and I realized how different this is from the original, so keep it mind some part are very different from the original Story or something Unrealistic. This is what appear on my Mind also gonna happened to my next CreepyPasta Related Story.

So basically, I don't read Smile Dog story that often, so this story is about what I hear and make a connection with it. And just a bit of Warning: Some part is Truly Unrealistic and Weird. But I'm truly sure the next CP "SpinOff" Story will have something to do with the original Story because I read them so Often. (I'm rarely read Smile Dog)

NOTE: This is NOT Canon for FLD (Flatter Team, Live Writter, MarksDon MD Universe) Timeline!

Smile Dog NightmareOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz