"You made me who I am, Jess. It's all your fault."

"Blame me all you want, Lei. You need help. Where are you?"

"Why? Are you coming to me?" I sound hopeful. But, she stays silent. I only hear some soft sobs. "I doubt it," I continue. "All of you like leaving me. You don't even want to be with me anymore. You don't want to help me. Why would you? I almost killed you."

"Lei, where are you?" She asks again, a little bit sterner this time. 

"You want to put me to jail, don't you? You want me to disappear."

"No, Lei," her voice becomes softer and for a moment I feel her sincerity. "I want to help. Please, tell me where you are."

"Only if you promise to come alone." I'm crumbling under her fingers again. I shouldn't be tricked. "Only if you promise to marry me."

"You know I can't do that."

"Why not?"

"Lei, please."

"Jess, please." I say it back. "Or else..."

I hear her gasp, "Or...else...what?", she slowly asks.

I take a deep breath, "Mark's next." 

"NO....Please...NO...He doesn't have anything to do with all these. Please, Lei. Not him. I'll go there alone. Just...don't touch him." She's panicking....Good. I got her under control again. So, Mark is the only key. I should've thought of this a long time ago. I smirk quietly. 

"Come home."



They've been in the room for a long time. When they arrived, GD took her straight there and locked the door behind them. Fuck! I can't think straight now. What the fuck are they doing inside? 

I pace in front of the door, thinking of knocking or not. 

"Can you just stop and knock already," JB yells, clearly annoyed at me for doing this for about fifteen minutes now. 

I take a deep breath, and instantly my knuckles touch the door, making a soft rapping sound. 

"Yeah?" It's GD's voice. He sounds a bit tired. 

"Sunbae," I say softly.

I hear them talking inside but too soft for me to understand. Then GD answers again, "five minutes."

What do they have to talk about? They've been together from Hong Kong. How long do they need to discuss? I just want to be beside her and give her the comfort she needs. It irks me to know another guy is doing that instead of me. Five minutes seem to take longer. After what seems like forever, the door opens. 

GD comes out, he glares at me for a while, opens his mouth but closes it immediately. He rolls his eyes, hitting my shoulder with his as he passes me. He can hate me all he wants, I don't care.

I hold the doorknob and push the door wider. Since the bed is just across the door, I see her instantly. She's sitting on the bed with the blanket covering the lower part of her body. Her head is bent, and I can't see her eyes, but I know she's been crying. 

I want to run to her and hug her, but I might scare her. So, after closing the door behind me, I slowly walk towards her and sit on the bed, facing her. 

I notice how frail and thin she's become. Hasn't she been eating again? 

"Mark," she talks first, not looking up, "I'm sorry. For everything. But, now is not the right time to talk about it...Just..." I can't stop myself anymore. I pull her to my arms and hug her. She starts sobbing, really softly at first, then it gets louder and her shoulders shake furiously. 

"Shh..." I stroke her hair and kiss the top of her head. She cries even more. "Jess....babe. I'm here. You don't need to explain. I'll stay here...beside you."

"I'm sorry." She repeats it over and over. 

All my anger and doubts just disappear at those words. I knew that when I see her I'd give in. But, I still chose to come here and be taken in her trap again. I don't care anymore. I just want to be with her. I love her that much. 

I pull her chin up for her to look at me. She hesitates but follows, staring her teary eyes straight at mine. "I love you, Jessica." I lean closer and press my lips on hers for a whole second. "Don't forget that. I'm sorry for leaving you. I won't do that ever again." I kiss her again, this time a little longer, moving my lips against hers. She slightly opens her mouth and she kisses me back. 

When we pull away from each other, both of us are gasping for air. 

"I love you," I whisper again, pulling her back to my arms. 

"I love you, too, Mark," I don't know if I'm gonna jump for joy or cry. It's the very first time I hear it coming out of her mouth. "But..." 

"But what?" the happiness I felt just a second ago turns to uneasiness. "But what, Jess?" I ask again when she doesn't answer. 

"I can't." She looks down at her fidgeting fingers. I take her hands to mine to stop them from ripping the hem of the blanket. They're very cold. 

"What do you mean you can't?" I put her hands on my lips and kiss them. Tears are threatening to come out. 

"I....I'm going away." She sobs again. 

"What? Where?" My voice cracks. I move closer to her, tilting her head once again to look at me. "Jess, please. What do you mean? Why do you need to leave? Is it because of Lei? Are you going back to him? Jin?"

She shakes her head. I try to search her eyes for answers but all I see is fear. 

I can't hold back my tears anymore, they flow down my cheeks. "Jess. Please. Don't." I beg. 

"I have to, Mark. I can't love you. I can't be with you. I have to go." 

"Why? Why not? I can protect you here, Jess. Just please give me a chance to do that. I won't let anybody hurt you. Stay with me," I beg even more. 

Just then, the door opens and Jackson enters. "Mark! There are men outside looking for you." That was fast. I'm guessing they're the ones my dad sent. 

"Just let them in," I say and turn to Jess once again. "Babe, nobody can hurt you now." I assure her. "I won't let you slip off my fingers again. You don't have to worry about Lei or your family. Just trust me."

"Mark, this is my problem. It doesn't concern you. Just back off and let me be." She pushes me and stands up again. 

I grab a hold of her hand before she reaches the door. "No, Jess. I won't let you go." I take a deep breath and step closer. "I'll protect you. Just trust me." 

Her arms go around my waist and her head on my chest. Her tears wetting my shirt. I hold the back of her head with one hand and the small of her back with the other. I heave a sigh of relief when she finally says, "I trust you." 

She pulls away when her phone rings. I pick it up from the bed and see the caller, Jin-Ah. I unlock it and give it to her, but not before putting it on speaker. 

"Jin-Ah?" Silence. Only the breathing from the other line can be heard. "Jin-Ah? Hello? Hey...what's happening? Are you out?"

"J...Jess?" The voice finally answers. 


I Love You, But I Lied - Mark Tuan and Got7 FanficWhere stories live. Discover now