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The next day, somebody from the group had returned. When I saw them walking in, I got up, approaching them. Because I didn't see Lucas with them, and I had specifically requested that when they return they had to bring Lucas. When I approached him, I had a blade in hand, so that punishment could be dealt out.

"I am going to ask you one simple question. Where is Lucas?"

"We couldn't find him. We've searched the entire forest twice over! We think he may be dead."

"Dead?" I hissed, and then I let out a couple of laughs. "You think he's dead? I killed that boy's father. I killed Moone, and I have Moone's power. I'd feel it if he died. He's strong, but I'm stronger. I am going to send somebody else in your place to look for Lucas."

"But what about me?" He asked. I chuckled. Didn't he see my fangs, my claws, and the gleam in my eyes? I raised the blade and slit his neck, smiling as she toppled to the ground. I didn't get much power from him, which was proof that he was weak. No wonder he had died with just one slice of the blade.

I pointed at one of the people. "Hey! You! You go and head out to find Lucas, and don't return until you find him. Unless, of course, you want to end up like him." I pointed at the recently killed man. The man I had instructed hurried off to pack, and I too left my lair. I needed to find a branding iron that I could put on the flesh of those who served me. I had a design in mind.

The humans didn't recognize me, and just in case, I used magic to hide myself. Still, it'd be far easier to kill almost all of those people. And far more interesting. Still, I resisted, scanning the streets. Why couldn't it be like the medieval days or something, when there were blacksmiths? I mean, I bet that there were some in modern day, but I wasn't seeing them.

When I saw the history museum, I decided to try there. Maybe there was some sort of exhibit there. There was hardly anybody there, which was good. I was going to use my magic, and I didn't want any humans to see. I walked around the museum for a good half hour, not finding anything or anybody who could help us. Then, I saw somebody sitting at one of those coal things, just waiting there. I smiled. The town really did have everything, from a grey eyed man to a blacksmith.

"Create me a branding iron." I commanded.

"I do not take requests on what is made." He replied.

"And when, exactly, did I say that you had a choice?" I asked. Then, I used my magic to take control of him. It was a human mind, and human minds are oh so easy to twist and shape to one's will. "Make me the brand that I want. And trust me; you'll know it. Do it now. You know that I control you, and that I'm stronger."

I sat down on the nearby bench, watching as it was made. When he snapped out of it, he wouldn't remember a thing, and I could get away without being reported to any human authorities. But honestly, who was scared of them? Heck, I had killed several times and nobody ever caught me. I was too fast to ever fall into their hands.

I waited quite a while, biting at my nails while I did so. It'd all be worth it in the end. Creatures around the world would cower in fear. They'd know the brand, and if any one of my clan tried to escape, others would act in fear. It would be permanent, and it would mark them as mine. We would be feared. The mark would leave an imprint of fear in nearly everybody's mind.

Eventually, it was done, and it was night. It was too late to brand everybody that day, but in the morning, I'd be ready to do it. I released the man from my spell, walking away. From what I heard, he sounded confused. And that was good. I dashed off into the night, feeling the shadows move to protect me. I was a part of the night. I was so wild and so animalistic that I practically was the night. I changed into my lion form to go faster. I could hear crunching under my paws - the bones of rodents. I didn't need the food, though. I had magic.

Soon, I arrived back at the lair, branding iron in hand. People look at me with expressions of fear as I made my way up to my room. I glanced at the branding iron, making observations. It definitely looked new, and the design was perfect. All I had to do was summon fire, and I would be able to get it to work. What would it all look like, when the mark was formed. Would the room smell of burnt flesh? I hoped so. That was a scent that just made me smile to think about. Would there be screams of pain? Absolutely. I mean, I was putting hot metal onto their skin. They were going to scream, and I was going to enjoy it.

At the bottom right corner were the two letters that were my initials. 'AS'. He really had gotten every detail, hadn't he? I set the branding iron on my desk gently, then picked up the remote and watched more TV. The news was boring, and the sitcoms were boring, so I ended up watching a documentary about different types of jellyfish. I was in my nice, round chair. When I started to feel tired, I shut my door and locked it, just in case. Minutes later, I had fallen asleep, with the jellyfish documentary still playing in the background, informative.

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