Defeat (part 1)

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AND THEN I REALIZED SOMETHING ELSE. In every villager's hand, there was a glinting black sword. I watched in horror as a black-tailed merman stabbed a blue tailed one, and the blackness of the blade seemed to seep into the blue tail. And just like that, he became one of them.

I turned to Ryan. "Did you see that?"

He nodded, terrified like me. "How do they do that?"

"I don't know, but we have to stop it!" I said, swimming down a deserted alleyway. I peeked around the corner to see more merpeople fighting. I slammed my body against the wall just as a beam of boiling black-colored water nearly hit me.

So their weapons consisted of more than just swords. What else would they use on us?

"We have to go in there." I whispered.

"Are you insane? We don't know what is going on here! You could get killed!"

I shook my head. "There's a whole village at stake here! We can't just sit here."

Just then, a man with a golden-copper tail bolted by. He saw us, then turned around and stopped.

"What are you doing here, kids? The magic-keeper has fallen; it's not safe! Hide!" He said urgently. Something about him was so familiar, but I couldn't place it. I was going crazy.

"M-magic keeper?" I asked. He looked at me funnily.

"The keeper of the magic," he said in an obvious tone. "He's dead, and there's no replacement."

We heard a rumble behind us.

"You kids aren't from here." He leaned closed to us and dropped his voice. "We're outnumbered. You kids have to go back to where you came from, immediately!"

I locked eyes with Ryan and we swam away as fast as I could.

"What do we do?" I shouted as we swam back to shore. I was pretty clueless, obviously never been at war.

"Wait," he stopped and I stopped, too. I heard an agonizing scream coming from the watery depths. Without thinking, I dove down and swam as if someone's life depended on it-- because it sounded like that was true. I swam past rock formations and coral reefs and a ton of gorgeous sights that I didn't have time for right now. I hoped that Ryan was right behind them. I picked up a sharp stone, then swam to the source of the noise.

I gasped at the sight. There wasn't a single speck of color anywhere.

The good side had been defeated. I charged up to the dark tailed people and ignored them, looking for the creepy dude I had seen earlier. He had to be the leader.

I headed right for the castle and I wondered what his motives were. Was he trying to rule the kingdom?

Then, I spotted him. He had a cocky expression on his otherwise nasty looking face. I approached him from the back and went to stab him with the sharp rock.

Everything went in slow motion as he turned around and plunged his sword gleaming with death right into my heart.

Then everything went black.


This is the first part! I'm sorry it's so short. I'll update again in a few hours.

Holy manatee. Here's my usual speech about the amount of votes and reads and comments! You guys are the best.

Please fan!

Rae <3

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