Three Guys Like Me. I Hate All Of Them - Chapter 24

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For the rest of the week I avoided Ian. He was getting more frustrated, and more determined to see me. He stood outside my window, throwing pebbles at my window. He constantly came to my house. He uses Nate to get closer to me. 

I just don't want him taking pitty on me. It hurt bad enough when Trent dumped me at my very first dance. I don't need to see pitty in my current boyfriends eyes.

So I hung out with, Max. He's surprisingly, really funny. He tried his best to keep my mind off my problems, and I'm thankful for that. Max is a really good friend to me right now. I just stayed away from Koda, Zane, and Mason. Only because my friends are Ian's, so can't really hang out with them without encountering him.

Then there's, Xavier. He's a freakin' pervert. He hits on me constantly when Ian's not around, which was a lot lately. He keeps me after class when I didn't do anything. My grades weren't slipping. He wanted to keep me for after school detention for sneezing. Like, why the hell are you crushing on one of your students?

Sean noticed my bad mood, but said nothing about it. Sometimes he just knows when I need my space, and I most definantly need it. This Ian stuff was giving me a headache.

"Just let me talk to her!" Ian's British accent yelled from downstairs, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"She doesn't want to see you! Hasn't for the past week!" Nate yelled back.

Ah, Nate. He still didn't understand the fight between Ian and I, but he's still the protective brother than I love. 

I got up from my bed, and quietly made my way to my bedroom door and opened it. I stepped out to the hall, and went to the top of the stairs. There I saw Nate holding Ian back from getting to the stairs.

"Nate. I'm begging you. I need to see her. She means everything to me." Ian said.

"She means everything to me too, Ian. That's why I can't let you go see her." 

"You don't understand! You don't understand what it feels like to be in love with someone, and then have them turn their back on you when you didn't even do anything! You don't understand how much it hurts to see the one you love telling other people their problems, and not you! You don't understand! I need to see your sister. Please."

Ian...loves me? Do I even love him?

I thought back to all the times he's annoyed me, and was being the sweetest guy on the planet. Always trying to make me laugh, complimenting me on my music, always wanting to be around me. 

It was then I knew that I loved him too. I love Ian. 

I smiled and sat down on the top of the stairs to hear what my dear brother would say.


Nate is such a mush ball! Give him a speech about love, and he'll fall for it. One of the things I love about him.


"Go. Why the hell are standing here talking to me? Go get my sister."

"Thank you, Nate." 

I hear footsteps run to the stairs, and I just sit on my step smiling like an idiot.

Ian comes into view, and he see's me sitting here. "Elle?"

"The one and only." 

"Love, why are you doing this to me?" He walks up the steps, and sits next to me, taking my hand in his.

"I'm not doing anything." I smile and twine our fingers.

"Why were you avoiding me?"

"I didn't want to see the pitty in your eyes when you found out that Trent dumped me at my first dance."

Three Guys Like Me. I Hate All Of ThemHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin