Three Guys Like Me. I Hate All Of Them - Chapter 17

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"OH MY GOD! You guys are dating now?!" Koda screeched.

I laughed along with Ian while he brought an arm around me and kissed the side of my head.

I nodded. "Pretty much."

"I'm so happy for you!" She wrapped me in her death grip. "You better not hurt her or I'll cut off your balls and feed them to a rottweiler." Koda hissed behind me, probably saying that to Ian.

I heard him chuckle. "Never."

"Great! I'm happy for you both!" She released me, and gave Ian a hug.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" I looked over and saw Mason and Zane walking over to us.

Koda pulled away from Ian and looked at Mason. "It's not what it looks like, Mase! He's not single!"

"Who the hell is he dating, Koda?" He growled.

"Me." I smiled.

Mason stopped glaring at his girlfriend, and looked at me with a smile on his face. "You're kidding."

I felt Ian leave my side, then arms wrapped themselves around my waist from behind, and I was being lifted into the air.

"Nope!" Ian laughed in my ear. "She's mine."

"About damn time!" Mason laughed.

"Just so you know, Ian..." Zane began. "You hurt her in any way...I'll kill you."

Ian set me down, and rested his chin on the top of my head. "Does it really look like I want to hurt her?"

"Well..." Zane looked over the both of us. "No. It doesn't."

I felt lips in the top of my head, and I turned around in Ian's arms. He looked down at me, and rested in hands on my hips. I stared into his hazel eyes. They drew me in, and I saw this emotion in them. I can't pin point the emotion, but it's intense. I know that much.

"What are you staring at, love?" He asked me.

I moved my arms so they were secured around Ian's neck. "Nothing special."

He smiled, and brought his lips to mine.

"No PDA students." A familiar voice said from behind us.

"Hello hottie." I heard Koda whisper.

I looked up and saw Ticket Guy star-well glaring actually, at Ian.

"I hope you say that to the two students over there, dry humping on the hood of the car." Ian pointed to the couple.

I started to laugh, but Ian's hand suddenly covered my mouth. Jerk.

"I'll get to it."

I rolled my eyes, and moved Ian's hand from my mouth. I turned to Ticket Guy, and smiled. "So, Sean gave you a job?"

Xavier smiled and nodded. "That he did, miss sexy. I majored in History, so I'll be taking over one of the classes."

"Who are taking over for?" Mason asked.

"Mrs. Plank? She's out for the rest of the year." Xavier shrugged.

Shit! Mrs. Plank?! Out of all the teachers, he had to take over my first hour class...

"So, miss sexy. Want to show me where her room is?' Ticket Guy smiled at me, and Ian hugged me closer to his chest.

I can understand why he's being a little possessive. We just started going out, and he doesn't want anyone getting in the way of our new relationship. Understandable, but annoying.

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