Three Guys Like Me. I Hate All Of Them - Chapter 19

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Detention went swell. Everyone was making jokes and throwing paper airplanes. When Sean's running detention, you will never be bored. Plus, when you have his favorite student in there, best detention ever.

"How's your arm?" Sean asked me. 

I slung my bag over my shoulder, and moved Ian's jacket sleeve up. 

Yes, I was still wearing this. It's warm, and it smells like him. I hope that doesn't make me a creeper...I'm sniffing my boyfriends jacket...

"Elle?" Sean was waving his hand on front of my face.

"It's fine. Doesn't hurt a lot." I shrugged, and pulled the sleeve down.

Ian came up next to me, and twined our fingers. 

"Xavier always had problems with his anger." Sean sighed.

"What's his deal with girls? Like how was he with ladies in high school?" I tried to ask the question without dropping hints about Ticket Guy's little crush on me.

Sean's frown deepened. "He would always threaten girls to be with him. You know I had a girlfriend once-"

"Shut up!" I smiled, and playfully slapped his shoulder with my free hand. 

He laughed and nodded. "Yeah. So anyway, I brought her home to meet the family, and they loved her. Every time I looked at Xav, he had this thing in his eye when he stared at her. I brushed it off, and it turned out to be the biggest mistake of my life."

"Why's that?" 

"I asked her to marry me right after graduation." His face was suddenly filled with sadness. "She said no...Later I found out she's been secretly dating Xavier for a few months because he threatened to tell me she made out with Rick Morter, aka my best friend."

"That's terrible." I gasp, and Ian's hand tightened around mine.

"It's life. But Xavier always ends up getting what he wants." 

Out of all the three and a half years Sean's known me, I have never heard that story. Now I sort of know why he's single. He doesn't want Xavier to interfere with their relationship. Makes sense. But Sean deserves a girl, a girl who won't be threatened by Xavier, and give into him.

"So, he threatens the girls he like, for them to break up with their boyfriends?" 

He nodded. "Yeah. It's in his nature." 


My heart started to pound in my chest, and my hands started to shake. What if he does that same thing to me?! I can't lose Ian! 

"I trust you." Ian whispered in my ear. 

I looked over at him. He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. 

"Let's go to my house. Nate needs a buddy, and I am missing my brother." I say, changing the subject.

"Okay." Ian started to pull me towards the doors.

"Bye, Sean!" I called.

He smiled at waved at me, then Ian and I left to his car.

By the time we got to my house, Nate was home. Insert happy face here. 

I may live with the kid, but I feel I haven't seen my brother in forever. 

"Nathan!" I yelled.

"What?" His voice asked, then his head popped out from the kitchen doorway.

A smile broke out on my face. I ripped my hand from Ian's, and sprinted towards my brother. His eyes got wide, and he started to run away.

"Nate! Don't run away!" I whined, gaining on him.

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