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A/N: Just a quick reminder that Y/N stands for Your Name. That's all for this chapter, not planning to do much as it is the prologue after all.

Tears pricked at your eyes when you realised they had gone. Left. No trace. All they had left was a tin of your favourite biscuits, your phone and a wad of money.
At least they aren't cruel enough to leave me with no money or technology, you thought to yourself.


It had been close to a week before the government realised you were abandoned in your own home. You had been hoping that they might come back, but they never did.
They didn't even leave a note. I guess they wanted to forget I was brought into this world, you thought bitterly. It was your birthday in a month, and you were turning 13.

"What is your name, miss?" One police officer asked you.

"Y/N," you informed the officer.

"Y/N, how old are you?" The man asked.

"12, turning 13 in a month," you replied.

"Have you seen your parents at all?"

"Not a trace."

"Miss, we need to take you to an Orphanage, is that alright with you?"

"Of course it is, sir. As long as I get to take the stuff they left with me," you told him.

"Of course, Y/N. Go collect it and we'll be right off," you ran upstairs to your bedroom. You had one last look out your window at the beautiful view of London below you, breathing in the smell of... Petrol and pollution. Lovely. You collect your biscuit tin, which you now stored your possessions in, as you had eaten all the biscuits. You collected your iPhone, and headed back downstairs.

"Ready, miss?"

"As ready as I'll ever be," you took one final look at your beloved home which had provided shelter for you for the first 12 years and 11 months of your life. You followed the police man into his vehicle as he drove you to the orphanage.

Adopted By PJ LiguoriWhere stories live. Discover now