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I stared at a tall, well and expensively dressed woman. Her long brown curls draped along her right shoulder as she talked to Anya. She wore a black blazer and cream dress pants with black high heels. I sat there like an idiot and stared until she turned her head towards me, making me look at the painting in front of me.

I looked down at myself, cheap but dressy high heels, a black dress that Raven bought me for this art showing as a gift, and my hair done up by Octavia. I did my own make up, so I didn't look like I was going to go out to a club and hook up with some random person.

I heard high heels click closer to me as I admired the random painting. The clicking stopped when someone stops beside me. I try to ignore it.

"It's a lovely piece, isn't it." A soothing woman voice said from beside me. I turned to be met with vibrant forest green eyes and a beautiful, goddess like woman. She looks familiar for some reason,"My sister, Luna, painted this. I told her people would like it."

"It's a beautiful painting." I said with a smile as I turned to the painting. "You're sister can really see the emotions of people, that's a great attribute for an artist starting out."

"My name is Lexa Woods by the way." She held out her hand for me to shake it. The name sounded quite familiar, but I couldn't really figure out why.

I grabbed her hand, squeezing it as I shake, "Clarke Griffin."

"So, you're the one my friend has been talking about," She let go of my hand, which I was left feeling empty for some reason, "a little too much if you ask me." She gave me a little laugh that blew my mind.

"Yeah, well if it wasn't for my friend, Octavia, I wouldn't be here, so." I sounded nervous.

"Oh, Octavia, I've heard a lot about her too, great at doing hair, persistent, never takes no for an answer." She had pointed to Octavia, who was talking to some tall, handsome, milk chocolate guy in a tan suit.

"Yeah, that would be her." I confirmed her choice of selection.

Lexa looked at me with a smile, "So, would you care to show me something of yours."

I nodded, "Of course. Follow me."

She was right behind me as I walked down the wall to the end, stopping at one of my massive drawings that had no color other than some green. It was a woman's eye that had a green explosion in the iris.

"This is excellent, it catches the girls emotion quiet well." I heard someone say from behind me.

"A great attribute for a starting artist, hmm." I heard Lexa say beside me. "You know what, I think it would be suiting in my office, do you care if I buy it?"

I look at her in confusion, "Come again?"

She laughed, making a chill run down my spin, what an amazing laugh, "I want to buy it, it's a great piece, and it should be taken care of."

"Really?" I was so shocked.

"Yes, what do you want for it?"

"I- um, I don't exactly know, I've never had anyone want my artwork before."

"How about fourteen thousand?" She opened the hand purse she had on her.

I choked on air, "That is way to much for this. I mean, six thousand is way to much for this, but you want to spend fourteen."

"Well, I'm not going to be cheap about art. Fourteen thousand if legitimate."

"I can't do that, that is way to much for this piece."

"You didn't ask for that price, I am giving you that price." She said, taking out a check book and writing out what she was going to give me. When she ripped it out she handed it to me, but I refused to take it. "Take it."

"I can't do that to you." I pushed it back to her.

"It's curtsy of me, please take it." She said not losing her cool with me.

"But, it's way too much, I can't."

She shoves it into my hands, "You deserve it, so keep it."

I stare at this strange girl as she walks away, towards Anya. I stare at her until I can't anymore because she is no where to be in site. I looked down at the check that had something written in lovely cursive on the note. "To the beautiful blue eyed artist I met." I stared at those word until Octavia came over.


Ahhhhhh, hello loves. What is this, you say, a Clexa fanfic, you say. Yes, it is, I told you I'm devoting myself to fanfic until I'm ready to transfer to teen fiction. Which by the way I have a teen fiction book drafted that I started, but was to afraid to publish it. But when I do start writing teen fiction, all these author notes will be minimal because I talk way to much.

So how do you like it? This story is where I'm going to break free and write whatever the fuck I want. Yes that means smut, alcohol, profanity, maybe some drug usage, some graphic scenes, maybe bad history with Lexa, you'll see my madness.

Do you see this laid back artist Clarke as a pot smoker, 'cause I sure do.

Also every chapter will be accompanied by a picture that I think suits the chapter and a song that I also think suits the chapter, so have fun enjoying the book. Also if you'd like to, or if you have Spotify already, go check out the Fine Stud! Lexa playlist I made, tell me if you like it. Also I dare you to push that follow button. You won't do it, you ain't crazy.

By the way, look at that cast, it's huge. You will be seeing all of them throughout.

Anyways, I love you guys, ai hod yu in.

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